Pupen Seafood ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด 芭提雅Jomtien的最佳海鮮餐廳
要找在芭提雅的美味地道海鮮餐廳,Pupen Seafood (ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด)一定少不了! When people look for great seafood in Pattaya, Pupen Seafood is no doubt one of the Grea

Bangsaen 沙灘的日與夜. Day & night along Bangsaen Beach.
搭上時光機,時光倒流來到兩年前2014年,那個在 Bangsaen beach渡過的溫暖聖誕假期, 那個在我心中永遠最美麗的假期.
Take the time machine, go back to 2 years ago today, while we were having

BAANNAI - The Reminiscence 懷舊房子回憶錄
For people like me, the past has a special allure.
Stories about old life old culture always draw my interest.
舊的事物是有著一種特別的吸引力, 最能令我感興趣,

Beer Belly BKK 個個潮人飲到捧住啤酒肚
72 Courtyard is a hotspot among Bangkok hipsters, Beer Belly is the first bar once you reach here.
要數曼谷時下型人熱愛的蒲點,一定少不了72 Courtyard,
Beer Bel

BangSaen Cafe-hopping (BangSaen逛咖啡室誌)
Cafe-hopping is a popular trend among hipsters.There are also many cool cafes in Bangsaen. 逛咖啡室是近年由網絡潮流帶起的新興生活態度。有型格的咖啡室, Bangsaen 這裡也有不少!

Wandering in NONG KHAI 沿著湄公河畔遊廊開
Nong Khai, is the capitial city of the Nong Khai Province which lies along the Mekong River. 廊開市,位於湄公河畔,同時亦是廊開府的首府。愛在舊城遊走的我, 發現了這裡不少可愛的角度。

Wat Phu Thok 七層天梯上仙境
There are over ten thousands of Buddhist Temple (Wat) all over Thailand. Wat Phu Thok, aka Wat Jetiyakhiri (วัดภูทอก / วัดเจติยาคีรีวิหาร) i

The Perfect Beach of Bueng Khong Long 泰北湖畔世外桃源
People call this place as "หาดคำสมบูรณ์ อ.บึงโขงหลง จ.บึงกาฬ" ,which means "The Prefect Beach of Bueng Khong Long". Soun

Amazing Kanchanaburi 北碧風光明媚
Kanchanaburi, is a provicnce located in the Western part of Thailand. Around 130km away from Bangkok, The highlands and the rivers here...

The FloatHouse River Kwai 浮在桂河上的悠閒假期
When was your last time naturally wake up at 0600am ?
Well, i did when the last time i had my vacation staying in The FloatHouse River Kwai