สวนเฉลิมหล้า ChalermLa Park 曼谷塗鴉公園

不少泰國人都是挺有藝術才華, 該慶幸的是在這裡有不少地方能將他們的才華展示出來。
Many Thais are really talented in Art, while it's good thing to these artists that there are many places in the country allow them to show off their creativity.
就在 Phaya Thai Road, 近 VIE Hotel 附近有塊掉空的空地, 多年來都曾有不少塗鴉愛好者來這裡聚集。自2015年初, 曼谷市政府 (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration , BMA) 把這片荒地整理好, 成為了一個老少皆宜的公園, สวนเฉลิมหล้า ChalermLa Park
There's an abandoned land on Phaya Thai Road, near VIE Hotel. There were occasionally some events for graffiti-lovers held over the years. Then, in early 2015, the BMA, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, eventually took action and turn this place into a community park that we see nowadays.

把一片閒置多時的小空間, 添上了來自不同地方的塗鴉藝術家作品, 整個角度頓時變得生氣渤渤。本地人或是遊人行經時都總會對這個空間的藝術大作多看一眼, 住在附近的長者與小伙子也多了一個優良的活動空間, 實在是一舉三得。
After adding the art-pieces from different Graffiti artists, this corner was then totally rejuvenated ! Locals or visitors who walks-by would give a sight to these artworks, both elderly people and youngsters who lives in the community nearby get a good leisure spot since then.

這裡的塗鴉, 不論是那些帶有獨特個性塗鴉卡通, 還是整幅色彩繽紛的塗鴉牆, 都已經把這裡變成一個潮人街頭潮拍熱點!
All the artworks here , no matter it's about some cartoon characters or the whole piece of graffiti wall, has also turned this park to be a great corner for fashionistas talking street snap.

據說這裡的塗鴉每三至六個月會作不定期的大更新, 而這裡也是歡迎塗鴉愛好者隨時的來為他們的作品維修。
Heard from people that the artwork theme in the park might be updated once around 3-6 month, and there's also graffiti artists come to here from time to time for artwork maintenance.

有興趣用Google Map Street View 視覺導航的話, 更會見到這裡還是一片城市荒地時的樣子
if you check out this place using street-view function on Google map, you will be able to see how this place was before it was rejuvenated.

確實位置就是在 BTS Ratchathewi 站向VIE Hotel 的方面走下來, 大約500米, 來到Phetchaburi 18 Alley, 看到上圖的路口就會見到。 (順帶一提, 路口的這些塗鴉看來也不錯說! )
One of easiest way to get here is to take BTS Skytrain and get off at Ratchathewi Station. Walking towards VIE Hotel for about 500 meters until you reach the corner of Phetchaburi 18 Alley (see the photo above)
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สวนเฉลิมหล้า CHALERMLA PARK (Graffit Park)
Phetchaburi 18 Alley - Soi, Khwaeng Thanon Phetchaburi, Khet Ratchathewi, Open Daily : 5:30am-7pm