Chillax & Smile along Jomtien Beach :))) 掛著微笑慢步遊Jomtien
乘著雙排車沿著漫長的Jomtien Beach Road 一路的走, 微微海風吹來倍感快意。
與熱鬧的Pattaya Beach Road 不同, 在Jomtien Beach Road沿路能看到的大多是較簡樸的事物, 如小商店, 旅館, 推車售賣的小販, 當然還有泰國人和看來大多是長時間逗留的東歐人, 跟之前去過的Bangsaen beach 有著異曲同音之感。
While we were riding on a Songthaew along Jomtien Beach Road, the wind blew from the sea is truly refreshing.
True, it is quite different from Central Pattaya, The Pattaya Beach Road. Roadside stalls, Hostels, Local Hawkers, as well as song Long-staying-look-alike Westerners are what we could see along here in Jomtien Beach Road. It kinda feel similar to Bangsaen beach, somehow.

來到近盡頭位置, 先後會有兩間佔地頗大的海鮮餐廳, Pupen ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด 與 Lung Sawai ร้านลุงไสว。 位置靠前一點, 並在門口前有隻螃蟹石像的那間就是前文提及, 我們在三天裡來吃了兩次海鮮大餐的 Pupen seafood.
On one end of the Jomtien Beach Road, you would be able to see 2 big seafood restaurants, "Pupen ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด" and "Lung Sawai ร้านลุงไสว". The one with a more obviously seen position, with the stone-made crab at the entrance, is the seafood restaurant we visited twice in 3 days, Pupen seafood.
延伸閱讀 Extended Reading : Pupen Seafood ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด 芭提雅Jomtien的最佳海鮮餐廳

就在夕陽慢慢西下的時候, 何不放下心中的雜念, 讓自己的動作放慢下來,
Well, it is always a good idea to refresh your mind, and try to feel every good thing around from your mind, while we are walking along the sea with such a gorgeous nightfall view.

晚上,對不少在Pattaya生活的人來說, 又是另一個開始。
沿著Beach road 有著不少富特色的 Bar & Restaurant, 在路旁也能聽到酒廊裡的駐場 live band 樂手開始為客人演奏出首首具節奏的live music. Sense of the Sea 是其中一間我頗有興趣的酒吧, 可惜在是晚另有打算的情況下唯有留待下次。
Once the dark night comes, it feels like another beginning to many people who live & work in Pattaya.
Some chillax Bars & Restaurants are here along the beach road, you could hear the music sound from the live bands even if you are just passing by. Maybe when the next time i came, i would give a try in "Sense of the Sea" , it looks cool indeed.

看到有些比較新的低密度酒店和渡假屋也好像不錯, 下次來時也可以考慮一下在 Jomtien 留宿
Meanwhile, the hotels & bungalows along the beach side look pretty good too, maybe we could also choose to stay in here around for the next time.

沿路上的看見推車售賣小食和飲品的小販比起7-11便利店還要多, 要數最有得特色該就是這間售賣Cocktail 及酒類為主的一檔,”ร้านยิ้ม :)) เหล้าปั่น บารากุ @หาดจอมเทียน” (中文意思 微笑雞尾酒酒吧)
It is quiet interesting that you could see the food & drink hawkers are more than the 7-11 on this road. Among these road side stalls, one of them called ”ร้านยิ้ม :)) เหล้าปั่น บารากุ @หาดจอมเทียน” (i,e, Smile :)) Cocktail Shisha @ Jomtien ) really looks cool.

店主巧妙地把一輛退役的小型客貨車改裝, 搖身一變成為酒吧的存酒櫃。加上一些簡單木檯和木凳, 安放好在馬路旁的沙灘位置, 就變成了現在所見可供二三十人在沙灘旁邊輕輕鬆鬆飲酒的好地方。
The bar owner make good use of a retired light-van, now it is the cabinet and bar table of their cocktail bar. Meanwhile, they placed some simple wooden tables with chairs along the beach, it then become such a cool and chillax place which could probably enough for 20-30 people having drinks.

ยิ้ม 讀音為 yim, 來這裡飲酒 ,取其廣東話讀音的話, 大概可以說笑說成 "去豔吧"。 可放心的是, 這裡並不香豔, 如果你喜歡簡單暢飲的話, 來 ร้านยิ้ม :)) 還是會令你的晚上愉快得笑哈哈,
來支泰國本土威士忌, 加些梳打水, 也別忘記要放入大量的冰粒, 這才是泰國人喝的酒。
好友親朋, 男女老幼, 不分彼此, 不計環境, 不談煩惱, 只想享受, 舉杯喝酒。
ยิ้ม Pronounce as "Yim", it means "Smile" in Thai. If you like to chill like a local, this is truly a good place that you will return with a smile.
Oh yes, don't forget to put some ice on your glass, no matter you drink beer or Thai whiskey with Soda. This is how Thai people drink.

喝了三杯又三杯, 你的臉上掛上的會是微笑, 還是開始醉酒失儀的哈哈大笑?
After drinking 3 glasses then 3 glasses, there would still be smile on your face, or already get drunk with some crazy laughs?

笑不笑著去面對事情也好, 最終看是你會否屹立不倒。
No matter how we face obstacles in life, we all need to have faith.

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