Pupen Seafood ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด 芭提雅Jomtien的最佳海鮮餐廳

來到芭提雅, 總要找間美味的地道海鮮餐廳吃餐豐富的才算是不枉此行吧! 要數有名的餐廳, 一定少不了Pupen Seafood (ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด)。
位於Jomtien 海旁的 Pupen Seafood, 二十多來一直以來都是當地人以至遊客的喜愛之選。ปูเป็น (Pu pen) 可以解作 "生猛的螃蟹", 單是看大門口那標誌式的螃蟹石像都覺得很生猛了吧 555!
When people look for great seafood restaurant in Pattaya, Pupen Seafood (ปูเป็น ซีฟู้ด) is no doubt one of the famous places in town.
Since its opening from about 20+ years ago, Pupen Seafood Restaurant has been a favorite spot in Jomtien among locals and travelers. Pu pen (ปูเป็น) means "lively crabs" in Thai Language, don’t you think their stone-made mascot in front of the restaurant are very lively as well ? 555!

餐廳所佔的位置頗大, 在週五的晚上一行19人的我們不用預訂也不用擔心沒有位。
這麼多人, 一定點了很多菜式了吧! 來來來, 上菜!
There are plenty dining tables available in the restaurant. We never worried nor make any reservation in advanced even we came on a Friday night with a group of 19 in total !
I'm sure you are interested to know what we ordered for a 19-person big seafood dinner. Here we comes!

19人當中, 有的來過泰國數遍, 有的是從沒有來過泰國,。我從沒想過原來大家對於吃 Somtum Pu (咸蟹責木瓜沙律), Yum Hoi Khaeng (泰式涼拌獅蚶) 這類比較地道和比較辣的泰式菜式興趣甚濃! 相比之下, 一向眾人愛吃的 Kung Che Nam Pla (魚露生蝦) 是晚的質素挺好卻沒有平時那樣的搶手!
最重要的是, 對於這裡各種的泰式海鮮菜式, 不論是較常會吃到還是很少吃到的, 眾人都吃得很滿意, 有的更說原來泰式海鮮是這樣的好吃!
個人特別推薦菜式 : 泰式生蠔 (記住要加上泰式配料),蟹肉炒蛋, 芝士焗帶子
月滿下的海鮮晚餐, 一行19人吃得滿足飲得暢快, 埋單還是不用10000 bahts
Among the 19 people in our group, some have been to Thailand couple times, some are their first ever trip to Thailand!
One thing really surprised me is about their interests in having some relatively local and spicy Thai dishes like Somtum Pu ( Thai Papaya salad with salty crabs) & Yum Hoi Khaeng (Thai style cockles salad). On the other hand, the everyone's favorite, Kung Che Nam Pla (Raw shrimp in fish sauce) was not that attractive like normal days even the quality was also great!
P.s. My special recommended choices : Fresh Oysters (don't forget to add & mix with the Thai herbs and sauce) / Fried eggs with crab meat / Baked Scallop with Cheese
Well, i was so glad to see everyone likes the dishes here and had a very full dinner indeed. Some of them even never expected Thai style seafood could be so delicious!
This under the full moon seafood dinner was ended with all of us feeling fully satisfied with both food and drinks. More importantly, the whole bill was just within 10000 bahts!

隔了一天, 公司的同事們結束了company fun trip 紛紛回家去, 繼續我留下的跟女朋友對這裡的美食還有點意猶未盡的的感覺, 那就跟她的友人來 Pupen 這裡再吃一餐好吧!
2 days after, i stayed over in Pattaya while my colleagues all fly home after we ended the company fun trip. My girlfriend and I decided to have another big meal in Pupen here again. This time, with her friends.

我們約5時許的Early Dinner 時段來到, 特意選了近海旁的位置用餐。下午近黃昏時候Jomtien 海灘灣岸美好風光與悠閒感, 與之前在晚上來的寧靜感覺相比, 又是另一種的感覺。
We arrived here around 5pm for an early dinner this time. it is just perfect to come when the sky were still blue and then it slowly turned dark. The chillax feeling along the Jomtien Beach at this time is quite different from those we saw on the night time.

其實這裡的菜單的選擇真是多得很, 不太熟悉泰菜的朋友可能會有選擇困難。我倆則刻意點些上次沒有吃過的菜式, 當然也有些是當地泰國人比較喜愛的菜式吧!
One thing about the food menu here is actually they have quite a lot of different choices, you might even have difficulty to pick if you're not familiar with Thai cuisine at all. For us, we mean to choose some other dishes we haven't yet tried on the previous night to go along with some Thai-local-favourite dishes.

吸引得我們在三天內第二次光臨, 食物當然沒有叫我們失望 ( 除了那條相對地一般的蒸魚 )。生蟹該是很新鮮吧, 友人吃得津津有味, 不過我沒有吃。(一來不愛吃, 二來這道菜特別吸引蒼蠅飛來)
是日最愛 : Phanaeng 咖哩椰子芯 / 黑胡椒炒軟殼蟹
The food here doesn't disappointed us at all on this second time we came , except the steamed fish. The raw freshed crabs look really fresh, i didn't tried but i saw friends enjoyed in so much. (Not my favorite at all and indeed the crabs attracted quite many flies)
My favorite picks of the night : Slow-cooked coconut in Phanaeng Curry / Stir fried soft-sell crabs with black pepper

如果你是甜品愛好者, 也不妨在Pupen 專屬的甜品部 PuWaan 找些甜吃 (waan 是泰語"甜"意思) , 他們主打的蟹杯雪糕杯看來是頗有特色的。
If you are a desert-fan, maybe you could also try out the signature ice-cream from the desert corner here, PuWaan. (Waan means "sweet taste” in Thai speaking)

吃飽晚飯也還未夠7;00pm ,還可以在 Jomtien Beach 旁漫步一會, 然後再找個地方來個Chill drink ,
It wasn't yet 7pm when we finished dinner, we could still walk along the Jomtien Beach Road to get relaxed a bit before we settle down for a chilled drink, Stay tune with us for the next post about what's good around !
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ที่ตั้ง : 62 หมู่ที่ 1 ต.นาจอมเทียน อ.สัตหีบ จ.ชลบุรี 20250
Address : 62/1 Moo 1, Chai Talay Road, Na Jomtien Subdistrict, Pattaya
GPS Coordinate :12.861452, 100.895592
Phone: 038-231-728 Open: daily 10:00 to 22:00 hrs.