บ้านทวด Baan Tuad coffee house 在懷舊祖屋嘆咖啡
在懷舊店屋(shophouse)林立的廊開市 Soi Mi Chai 舊街中, 其中一間被翻新並漆上了以奶白色和藍色為主色調的, 這間就是 Baan Tuad Coffee House (บ้านทวด)
Soi Mi Chai is one the streets in Nong Khai town that is full of old shophouse on the both sides. There's one got renewed and painted with milky-white & blue as the main color tone, this is the Baan Tuad Coffee House (บ้านทวด).

BaanTuad (บ้านทวด)是祖屋的意思,要把這間過百年歷史的古老祖屋搖身一變成為—間型格咖啡室當然少不得在室內設計下點功夫吧。在門口位置的泰語字母表, 以及主廳位置的那幅巨型廊開市地圖牆畫, 獨特的設計很自然會成為客人拍照打咭的主要原素吧。
BaanTuad (บ้านทวด) actually means great-grandparent's house, there must be something about interior design to work with if you wanna turn such a old shophouse into a hip antique coffee shop. Well, the Thai alphabet table near main entrance, as well as he gorgeous giant Nong Khai map wall-art do quickly become a famous photo spot for customer since the cafe opened.

看著牆上廊開市地圖的壁畫, 喝著跟店子主色系一樣蔚藍的蝶荳花咖啡,
While enjoying the butterfly flower pea coffee under this wallart map, would it make you feel more missing home?

不論去到哪裡, 能和家人一起愉快生活的地方, 那就已是家了。
To me, someone get used to bring a bit of work along while traveling, my home could be anywhere i go as long as i could share a happy living with my beloved.

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บ้านทวด Baan Tuad coffee house
26-480 ถนนมีชัย Nong Khai
+66 91 492 6969
Opens Daily at 0800-2000