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ชั้น ๔ 4th Floor Drip Bar 上四樓的幽靜一隅

走上小房子的四樓, 樓底甚高的這裡有著特大的落地玻璃, 店裡放著大多是簡潔木製傢具. 耳邊傳來柔和具古典風的音樂, 差點以為這裡是修練太極的場地。

來的那天是個帶著微雨的平日上午, 連咖啡師也還沒有來, 獨個兒的逗留在這個空間更能感受到這裡的幽靜。

Once stepped onto the 4th floor of this small house, the first thing i saw was the city view from the giant French windows that reach to the ceiling. Despite it was a rainy morning, the day light has brighten this whole space, the soft classical music, together with the minimal style wooden furniture & decorations, i almost thought this is place to practice Chinese Tai Chi.

Maybe i came a bit too early, even the barista wasn't there yet when i arrived, but it gave me a great chance to feel the peacefulness of this coffee house.

過了一會, 咖啡師來了, 問過了我的喜好, 使建議我可以一試他們的其中一款 signature drink。 然後, 他就開始從容不迫的在我面前用心製作這件藝術品。

After a while, the barista came, and i picked one of the signature drinks to try after taking some advice from him. Then, he gently started to bring up this art piece in front of me.

我點了這款名為Toob Tab (180 bahts) 是以傳統泰式咖啡, 再加上花生, 朱古力慢泡製成, 為的就要是帶回傳統泰式咖啡那份甜與香的平衡。

對於我這種常愛尋找懷舊事的人, 一邊享受著嘆咖啡的悠閒, 同時也能享受著味覺的懷舊。

This signature slow-brew coffee drink i ordered is called Toob Tab (180 bahts), it's made up with Thai-style coffee as base, with a mix of peanut and chocolate to enhance its taste. This is also a presentation about the good old taste from traditional Thai-style coffee.

For the vintage-lover like me, it's more than perfect that i could enjoy a taste from the past in such a cozy place.

咖啡師與主理人之一的 Ait 是個健談的人, 在曼谷當了八年咖啡師, 能把自己的喜好以一件件藝術品形式來呈現實是最好不過。

席間 Ait 也有提及到, 他和拍檔們就要想要打造一個舒適寧願的空間, 可以讓人感到猶如在家無拘促的一樣在這裡享受, 所以便以簡約的風格設計這個空間。

選點在4樓的這裡的另一原因, 就是因為這裡比前面的平房要高, 能夠看遠一點, 使得店子的空間感更佳, 有著一種城市綠洲的感覺。

Ait, the barista & owner of this drip coffee bar, is a very friendly guy, He had about 8 years experience as a barista in Bangkok and now he's more than pleased to present something he likes into different art-pieces.

Ait also mentioned the reasons that he and his partners turned the place into this form. The giant French windows here gives everyone a good city view and seeing the trees outside. Together with the little plants decorations & wooden furniture inside, all these to create a cozy space for everyone to feel like home and chill.

Ait 更說, 除了regular menu 之外, 他會繼續打造更多不同的季節性特式飲品和小點, 為客人帶來更多不只是味覺的享受, 而看來他確是也做得挺好吧!

Apart from the regular drink menu, Ait and his team will also bring more seasonal special drinks and snacks to give different enjoyment to customers. Well, I do believe he's doing well on this every day!

意猶未盡的話,不妨到我的 Facebook / 微博 專頁給我 Like 和 Follow 我的更新吧! Do Follow and like my Facebook / Weibo page to stay tune with my Thailand journey

ชั้น ๔ 4th Floor Drip Bar

4/F, 61 สุขุมวิท 26 แขวงคลองตัน คลองเตย กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110 4/F, 61 Sukhumvit 26, Bangkok 10110

Opening hour : 1000-1800 (Close on Wednesday)

Tel: 099 591-9142


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