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BAANNAI - The Reminiscence 懷舊房子回憶錄

For people like me, the past has a special allure. Stories about old life old culture always draw my interest.

Baan Nai (means the inner house), a colonial-style house was once lived by three daughters of a noble during the reign of King Rama VI. The current generations of the family renovate this heritage house into a 4-room boutique hotel with a restaurant as to to preserve the memory from the glory old days.

對我來說, 舊的事物是有著一種特別的吸引力,最能令我感興趣, 往往就是背後的故事 。

這間有著濃厚殖民地建築風格的舊房子, 是早在拉瑪六世王的年代的一個貴族家庭其中三姐妹的住所。貴族的後人去年把這幢舊房子翻新, 成為有一間擁有餐廳及4個房間的精品酒店, 取名為 Baan Nai (意思: 內房子),為的就是要回復從前的美好時光。

Situated at the opposite spot of Samsen Railway station, this vintage house looks especially charming, both from outside and inside at night time. Leading by soft vintage Thai music , we were like time-travelling back in the time where this house was built.

座落在 Samsen 火車站旁邊的這幢懷舊房子, 在入夜後的不論是外圍還是室內的燈光都令整幢精品酒店看來格外的特別。走進室內, 徐徐在耳邊響起的古老泰國歌曲正好引領著我們回到房子過去最美好的時光。

The dining area is exceptionally cozy! The classic decoration , the pictures of old Bangkok, as well as the vintage portrait-painting of the original three-sister house owner, all these settings truly enhance the ambience of the restaurant

懷舊的陳設, 牆上的昔日曼谷老照片, 還有原屋主三姐妹的舊式畫像, 種種東西加起來就是形成了整個餐廳用餐位置的復古氣氛。

Isn't a 5-star hotel restaurant with famous Michelin Star chefs, the menu here is still quite attractive though. Traditional Thai dishes are made with well-preseved recipe from the past and served in petite portion and vintage presentation. Yum Dok Mai Baan Nai (flowers salad) was the dish that really impressed me on that whole night!

這裡並不是甚麼5星級米之蓮得獎大廚所坐陣的名貴餐廳, 相反的是這裡以獨傳的懷舊菜式作主打, 好讓客人也能在舌尖上感覺到舊日的美好時光。食物的賣相大多是較精緻, 其中Yum Dok Mai Baan Nai (涼拌泰式花沙律)的味道最特別也最令我喜愛。

With right person to time-travel along under the full moon, it would always be a sweet reminiscence for the rest of my life.

能夠與對的人在月滿下一起走上時光旅程, 就已經足夠去收錄成為我人生中那本回憶錄當中。

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Baan Nai Hotel

102/13 Kamphaeng Phet Soi 5, Bangkok (opposite to Samsen Railway Station)

102/13ถนน กำแพงเพชร 5,แขวง สามเสนใน เขต พญาไท,กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400 Bangkok

(Restaurant)opens everyday 11.00-22.00 Tel: 02-619-7430

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