The Sky Gallery Pattaya 藍天碧海風情畫下的狂想曲
一月份的泰國, 日間時份不論到哪個戶外的地方也不會太熱, 到海邊看海時還會微風陣階的吹來。
既然如此, 就去找間舒適的海景餐廳來個午餐好了。
不過, 哪一間會海景餐廳比較寧靜舒適又不太多遊客呢?
嗯, 想起了, 就去試試The Sky Gallery吧!
The weather in January Thailand is always good, you wouldn't feel hot at all even when going to outdoor places on daytime; sometimes there are gentle winds blow from the sea if you stay on the coast side by the way. It seems to be a perfect idea to find a nice place with great sea view to enjoy a lunch and chill for a while .
The question pop-up is : which one of the sea view restaurants would be relatively cozy and with fewer mass tourists visit? Well, there's one in my mind and let's give a try at The Sky Gallery Pattaya!

The Sky Gallery Pattaya 是Kosy Beach Hotel 裡的海景餐廳, 當然不是酒店住客來也不是問題。
餐廳剛好位處於山坡上, 整個180度的無敵海景盡收眼簾。
山坡下有個小沙灘, 有興趣的話也可沿著餐廳旁樓梯走下去。
The Sky Gallery Pattaya , is actually the restaurant of Kosy Beach Hotel, Everyone are certainly welcome no matter you are the resident of the hotel or not.
The reason makes the sea view here so perfect is because this whole restaurant is actually located on a little slope. There's also a smaller beach below this restaurant, you could get down there from the path beside.

帶位員一路帶領著一路說, 這裡不只有一般的餐檯, 也有適合臥著整個下午的沙灘梳化和豆袋梳化位, 最重要的是大多都是正對著無敵海景。
The receptionist comes and introduce this restaurant to us , there are quite a high varieties of seating area for people to enjoy the fantastic sea view here in different ways.

再走入一點, 這邊的位置有較多樹蔭, 也比較適合用餐。
Get in to the far side of the restaurant, this area is certainly more suitable and comfortable to have a proper meal indeed.

肚子餓, 要吃泰菜的話可以選擇簡單泰式碟頭飯或湯麵, 要吃豐富的當然可以點其他不同款式泰菜。
嗯, 在我而言, 食物的價然有點偏貴, 而且口味是偏向國際化的。
If you feel hungry, The Thai kitchen here offers many different Thai style dishes, but personally i think it is a bit pricey and tends to be international-flavored.

不想吃泰式當然可以點些西式, 餐牌上西式的菜式選擇其實是比泰式的多, 以餐廳名而命名的 The Sky Pasta 是其中一個值得一試的選擇。
Certainly, there's also a Western kitchen if you don't want to go for Thai. One of their signature dishes, The Sky Pasta, looks really great though.

嗯, 看來還是來個冷凍咖啡和特飲, 好好的在這裡看著藍天碧海 chill chill 一下最好不過。
Maybe the better idea is to grab an iced coffee or a special drink to enjoy the sea view and chill ?

抑或是, 走到酒吧吧檯坐著點杯 cocktail, 偷看剛巧是獨個兒來穿著白色小背心的美女, 然後再請她—起喝酒喝到天幕也退下呢?
Wait, maybe i should get to the bar table to grab a cocktail, then look around to wait for a hot girl in white tank top who coincidentally come on her own and invite her to have some drinks together until dark?
Oh kid, i guess you are really day-dreaming too much.

無論如何, 不論閣下是帶著個人風格的時尚博客, 還是拖男帶女一隊人的來享受海景午餐也好, 你和你的相機都一定會很喜歡這裡的藍天碧海無敵景觀。
Anyway, no matter you are a chic hipster or coming with a group with pretty girls & cool guys , one thing for sure is, you and your camera would certainly fall in love with the perfect sea view in front of you.

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The Sky Gallery Pattaya
400 M. 12 Racjchawaroon Rd., Phra Tumanak Hill Pattaya, Chonburi 20150, Thailand ถนนราชวรุณ (เขาพระตำหนัก)ชลบุรีร้านอยู่ติดริมหน้าผา ริมทะเล หน้าโรงแรมโคซี่บีช Business hours: 0800-2359 Daily