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twosons cafe 烏隆雙子咖啡屋

不論你是從 Central Plaza Udon Thani 這邊走, 還是從 Nong Khai 市那邊駕車來, 也不難找到這幢的座落於大馬路旁的兩層高木製小屋。

No matter you are driving from Central Plaza Udon Thani, or on the hand coming along from Nong Khai, it is not difficult to found this 2-stories wooden house standing along the main road.

"Welcome to 2 SONS family"

據說這間咖啡店命名的原因就是店主的兩個兒子對製作咖啡美點都甚有興趣, 機緣巧合下找到這個空置的屋子, 並以舊木材作為主要外觀裝潢, 就變成了今天大家所見的型格咖啡小木屋。

嗯, 假如我爸媽也有這樣神來一筆幫我一把的就好了。

Heard that the name "two sons" was origin from the parents who have 2 sons who are both interested in coffee and pastry. As a result, they found this empty house and re-decorated it with some used wood and thus it becomes the cool wooden coffee house we see nowadays.

Hmmm...i wish my parents would give me this big hand someday somehow.

室來位置的燈光甚為柔和, 正中間位置陳列架放滿了不同的卡通人物公仔擺設, 跟小朋友來的話一定會很喜歡這裡。

而我, 也在這裡撞見了一位朋友, Agent Snoopy, 5555!

The warm and soft lighting sounds like a perfect fit with the cartoon decorations and dolls in the indoor dining area. Pretty sure that children would love this place , and i do as well! That's because i've met a friend here, his name is Agent Snoopy, 5555!

戶外一隅, 猶如置身在家裡的後庭一樣。

來個咖啡特飲, 品嚐一下簡單而美味的泰式美食, 舒適的放空一會, 那不就是店主們最想帶給大家的一件事嗎?

I found my coziest corner at the backyard. Enjoying the hearty Thai dishes, chilling around with my cooling ice coffee soda, i really feel great to be here. I bet this is the same way that the owners want everyone of us to have this same feeling.

下次來的話, 也定要試下這裡的甜點, 看來挺吸引的說!

I'd love to try their desserts when i came again next time, it looks really tempting!

臨走前, 當然也不忘要在大屋前來個型格潮拍吧 !

Don't forget to take a cool snapshot of yourself before leaving!

意猶未盡的話,不妨到我的 Facebook / 微博 專頁給我 Like 和 Follow 我的更新吧! Do visit and like my Facebook / Weibo page to stay tune with my life journey

<twosons cafe>

31 หมู่ 8 ถ.อุดรดุษฎี อุดรธานี (พิกัด :ตรงข้ามศูนย์มาสด้าเก่า รังสินา)

Ban Lueam, Mueang Udon Thani

Opens Daily : 10:00 - 20:15

+66 84 400 0089


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