ร้านท่าน้ำ Coffee Shop (Than Nam Coffee) Dimsum Coffeebar 點心咖啡吧

喝咖啡慣常都會配上西式糕點, 吃點心一般都會配上茗茶, ร้านท่าน้ำ Coffee Shop (Than Nam Coffee Shop) 的華裔女店主卻帶來另一種的點心配咖啡的新嚐試。一籠籠即點即蒸的點心, 配上各式各樣的冰凍咖啡或特飲, 在泰國酷熱的天氣下尤其合拍, 深受一家大小(特別是小朋友)的喜愛。
When drinking coffee, usually we would come along with western style pastries. and it's the same case apply to Canton-style DimSum & Chinese tea. However, the Thai-Chinese lady boss of ร้านท่าน้ำ Coffee Shop (Than Nam Coffee Shop) has another idea! Various types of cook-to-order DimSum, are unexpected good matched with the iced coffee or drinks, especially to children under such hot weather in Thailand.

除了咖啡, 這裡也有啤酒和 shooters 供應, 可以跟朋友放心chill chill 暢飲。要是想吃泰菜的話, 也可從咖啡店直接代點旁邊的東北菜餐廳 ส้มตำพระราม9 (Somtum Phraram9) 的正宗isan 菜式。
Apart from coffee, there are also beer and drinks available to have some chill time with couple friends. You may also order the Isan Thai food from the restaurant next door ส้มตำพระราม9 (Somtum Phraram9) as well.

地址就在南芭提雅路, 轉入Big C 超級市場前的路口旁
The coffee shop is located at South Pattaya Road right before you turn into the parking area of Big C SuperCentre South Pattaya.
ร้านท่าน้ำ Coffee shop
Address : พัทยาใต้ หนองปรือ บางละมุง Pattaya 20150 (Soith
Phone : +66 88 529 9697