Bangsaen 沙灘的日與夜. Day & night along Bangsaen Beach.
搭上時光機,時光倒流來到兩年前2014年,那個在 Bangsaen beach渡過的溫暖聖誕假期, 那個在我心中永遠最美麗的假期.
Take the time machine, go back to 2 years ago today, while we were having

BAANNAI - The Reminiscence 懷舊房子回憶錄
For people like me, the past has a special allure.
Stories about old life old culture always draw my interest.
舊的事物是有著一種特別的吸引力, 最能令我感興趣,

Beer Belly BKK 個個潮人飲到捧住啤酒肚
72 Courtyard is a hotspot among Bangkok hipsters, Beer Belly is the first bar once you reach here.
要數曼谷時下型人熱愛的蒲點,一定少不了72 Courtyard,
Beer Bel