Bangsaen 沙灘的日與夜. Day & night along Bangsaen Beach.
開始撰寫這篇文的時候, 這個美好的Bangsaen 剛好就是完結在兩年前的今天。 搭上時光機, 讓時光倒流來到兩年前2014年, 那個在Bangsaen 海邊渡過的溫暖聖誕。
一切, 就由我倆下塌的那間海灘旁渡假屋式酒店開始。
At the time when i start making this blog entry, it was the same days 2 years ago when we ended our year-end vacation in Bangsaen. Well, it's a perfect time to time-hopping a bit, go back to the time when we were having a warm X'mas along the Bangsaen Beach in late 2014.
It all started from the beach side resort house along the beach road we stayed in.

房間不算很大, 勝在空間感做得不錯, 而且房裡的傢具陳設看來也是挺新的, 整個感覺很是溫暖。
踏出落地式玻璃窗門外是酒店的翠綠庭園, 轉個身已是沙灘旁的馬路,位置方便卻不失渡假的舒適感。
The room was warm and cozy when modern furniture setting, while room size was perfect for couple having vacations. One step out from the window-door was the green backyard of the resort hotel, turn your head to the right, it would be the beach road and the beach! Location was pretty good indeed.
Heart Beach Bangsaen Resort ฮาร์ทบีช รีสอร์ท
100/3 บางแสน ชลบุรี 20130, บางแสน, ชลบุรี, ประเทศไทย, 20130 100/3 Bangsaenlang Soi 12/1 (Bangsean beach road) T.SaenSuk Chonburi Bangsaen, Bang Saen, Chonburi, Thailand, 20130
12月泰國中部的天氣可以算得上一年最舒適的時候, 乾爽和暖。
Bangsaen 海灘是距離曼谷最近的海灘, 在這裡慢走休憩的人大多是泰國人。
在陽光普照的天空下, 沿長長的 Bangsaen 海灘慢步走吹著海風, 不就一生的一大樂事嗎?
The weather and climate of Central Thailand in late-December is probably the best among all year long.
Bangsaen Beach is the closet beach to Bangkok. However, unlike Pattaya or HuaHin, most of the people wandering along the beach are Thai Locals. During those sunny mornings, with a bit of wind blowing by, wasn't it one the most enjoyable things in life to walk along this long Bangsaen beach ?

海灘近碼頭那邊的盡處, 還會見到一些傳統的漁民在整理他們的生活重要原素, 漁船和漁獲。
On one end close to the pier, there were some local fishermen families getting ready to their next sail and selling fresh seafood at the same time!

"Welcome to Bangsaen Beach" 毫無疑問, 這個位於Bangsaen Beach Road 中心的迴旋處絕地是Bangsaen 的地標. (也毫無疑問, 當時九世泰王還在位的)
"Welcome to Bangsaen Beach" No doubt, this roundabout at the center of Bangsaen Beach Road is a true landmark of Bangsaen. (Yes certainly, the respectful King Rama 9 was still in the throne.)

來找點吃吧, 走進城裡的大街小巷, 不難找到各種美味的地道泰式美食。而且那個愛吃Som tum 的 Isan 妹子總會找到好吃的店子吃 Som tum, 哈哈! 嗯, 這個 "Tam Thad" ตำถาด 青木瓜沙律盆 說得上是吃過最辣但又最好味的一個 ! (可惜忘記了食店的地址)
Shuttle around the streets in the inner city area, it was not a difficult task to find local food stalls serving with great food. My Isan Thai girl, who is a big fans of Som tum, could always find places with authentic Isan style. 5555!
Well, this was probably the best "Tam Thad" ตำถาด we'd ever had!(sad that we forget to jot down the name of this food stall)

放假的日子, 我們都很喜愛在下午嘆咖啡安靜一下。Bangsaen 也有著大大小小具不同特色的咖啡店, 每間都很適合像我倆這的年輕新潮人 (偷笑)。
Afternoon time, is perfect to have some coffee time, especially when were on vacation.
There are lots of cafes in Bangsaen with different characteristics, and is truly a good fit for stylish hipsters like us. 55555!
延伸閱讀 For further details : BangSaen Cafe-hopping (BangSaen逛咖啡室誌)
黃昏時份, Bangsaen 海灘美不勝收的景色絕對是不能錯過。人在旅途心情格外的舒暢, 看到的風景也是格外的美好。
Nightfall scene along the Bangsaen beach, is amazing! At the time when we were having vacation with a relaxed soul and mind, it makes sense that we could see a much beautiful world.

太陽下山後, Beach road 的兩旁開始變得熱鬧起來。不少的當地人下班後和三五知己帶著啤酒小吃, 坐在海旁的暢聚。也有些是推著大大小小的木頭車, 售賣各種惹味地道美點。
這個畫面, 真的是很泰國。懂得享受, 隨遇而安的樂天性格, 大概就是泰國人的生活態度了吧!
After the sun went down, both sides along the beach road becomes lively! Many local Thais bring with a floor met and some homemade snacks with beers, chill along the seaside with family and friends. Street food vendors also began to come along with their food cart making delicious local food and snacks.
To me, all these things came in front of me made me feel so real Thai style.
Know to enjoy life, have own ways to make a living, this is the life attitude of many Thai people.

沿著 Beach Road 一路的走, 總會找到一間合心意的餐廳吃個豐富的晚餐. 其中一晚, 看見這間 The Beach Pub & Restaurant 人頭湧湧的便決定去一試究竟。
Many restaurants were found along the Beach road. On one night, we picked one with full of crowds, The Beach Pub & Restaurant.

這間餐廳分別有戶外, 室內, 和(一層高)的天台位。大多顧客可以在門外泊車, 又設有大屏幕直播足球賽事, 更有不少年輕貌美的美女waitress 作招待, 熱鬧是不無道理的。
以泰式海鮮食物為主的菜單真是多得令人有選擇困難的感覺, 且味道挺好, 價錢也不貴, 更有不同的酒類飲品供應, 絕對能夠在這裡大飲大喝一晚!
With multiple big screens showing live football matches, plus there're many young and pretty Thai girls staff serving customers, you could see no matter it's outdoor seats (ground floor and roof top) or indoor seats, this pub was all packed with customers.
Food menu are mainly serving with seafood in Thai style with a very high variety of choice. Quality of food were good in overall and in acceptable price . We spent a whole great night here with couple more glasses of alcoholic drinks.
THE BEACH Pub & Restaurant
บางแสนสาย 1 ชลบุรี (อยูาริมหาดวอน บางแสน) อ่านต่อได้ที่ Bangsaen Soi 1 (Beach Road)

另一個晚上, 我們則選了一間充滿田園 feel 的餐廳。同樣是以泰式海鮮食物主打, 同樣的價廉味美, 不同的是這間的氣氛較休閒, 也挺多一班親朋來用餐。
On the other night, we tried out another restaurant which feel like having meal in a backyard. The Thai style seafood here were also good and served in acceptable price, the different is the atmosphere here is relatively quiet but is perfect for family and friends.
ครัวต้นข้าว (Klua Ton Khaw)
ที่ตั้ง: 94/1 ถนนบางแสนล่าง ต.แสนสุข จ.ชลบุรี, บางแสน

吃飽晚餐 , 還有些意猶未盡的話, 沿路走著的一排酒吧總有一間合你心意。
If you feel you are not yet done for the night, plenty of bars here on the beach road for you to pick one.
愛懷舊風的我, 選了這間充滿了傳統泰式風格的路邊酒吧, 酒吧的名字叫 CharoenKrung Bangsean (เจริญกรุง บางแสน) , 只是聽名字都已經大概會估到他們走的是偏舊的懷舊風格(CharoenKrung Road ถนนเจริญกรุง 石龍軍路是曼谷從King Rama 4時代建成的第一條現代化道路)
其實打從第一天來到 Bangsaen, 車子經過這間CharoenKrung Bangsean , 看是可以很隨意的在街邊 chill 的的那種感覺, 已經對這間Bar 甚感興趣,
I picked the one who very strong vintage country style road side bar called CharoenKrung Bangsean (เจริญกรุง บางแสน), i especially like the causal chilling atmosphere here as i passed by on the first day i arrived Bangsaen
Indeed, from their name you could probably tell about the style they were! (CharoenKrung Road ถนนเจริญกรุง was the first modernization road in Bangkok built in the King Rama4 era)

走進這間懷舊木屋, 牆身上的懷舊海報, 還有懷舊收音機,懷舊飾櫃, 懷舊電視等等陳設,
我們猶如進了時光隧道, 回到五十多年前的泰國一樣。
來, 帶起酒杯, 為我們的假期而喝采!
We were like driving back in the Thailand 50years ago by the vintage decoration and set up from the bar.
Okay, let's grab some Thai beer and cheers for our great vacation times.

這裡的懷舊風格, 跟我的復古打扮, 不就是不謀而合嗎?
Isn't it a perfect match between the vintage atmoshere here and my retro style outfit ? 555

能在Bangsaen 渡假的最後一個晚上來這裡暢飲, 滿足極了!
i was fully satisfied for being able to grab a drink here on the final night of our Bangsaen staying.
(2016後記, 可惜最近在網上查找資料時發現酒吧已經結業, 這間懷舊木屋現在是一間扒房)
(A sad post-note from 2016, this bar has been closed and the place now is a steak house)

在路上回程往曼谷時, 途經 Khao Sam Muk (เขาสามมุข), 在這裡的觀景台能遠眺整個 Bangsaen 以至 Chonburi 一帶的的風景。
We stopped by Khao Sam Muk (เขาสามมุข) while we were on our way back to Bangkok.
i was able to see the whole view of Bangsaen and even a bit of Chonburi from the viewpoint here.

繼續沿著海邊的馬路走, 不久就會抵達 Ang Sila Seafood Market (สะพานปลา อ่างศิลา) 這個很著名的海鮮市場。這裡不只有新鮮的生海鮮售賣, 也有乾海鮮, 和即烤海鮮, 甚至是即點即煮的海鮮菜館等等。我們光是在這裡逛了半小時已經買了不少手信和吃了不少美味的海鮮串燒哩!
Our Journey continued as we stay on the seaside road after Khao Sam Muk. We soon reached Ang Sila Seafood Market (สะพานปลา อ่างศิลา), a very famous seafood market to local Thai people around Chonburi province. You can found raw fresh seafood, dry seafood, grilled seafood or even cook-as-you-ordered seafood in this market. We bought some dry souvenir and tried some grilled seafood ever we just stayed here for about 30 mins.

臨走前, 回望這個有130年歷史的漁市場, 拍下了這張甚在傳統泰國特色風貌的照片, 為是次 Bangsaen 的旅程劃上完美句號。
Before leaving, i look back to this 130 years old wet market, took this perfect photo of the classic Thailand as the perfect ending of our journey in Bangsaen.

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