Cassette Music Bar Ekamai 卡式帶音樂酒廊
最初, 吸引我來試試這間酒吧原因, 是早前在友人的instagram post 中看見難得地有間新酒吧會用Snoopy 作為牆身圖案。嗯 , 和 Snoopy 一齊 Chill Chill 定會很有趣!
At first, the reason attracted me to come and try this new bar was about the Snoopy illustration on the wall which i saw from a friend's Instagram posting. Well, it sounds fun to Chill Chill with Snoopy anyway, Let;s give a try then!

之後得知這間酒吧名為 Cassette Music bar, 看名字都會知是有live music 是主力原素 , 而他們更以1990-2000 年代的音樂為主打。
酒吧位於Ekkamai Soi 10, 剛巧就是我就喜愛的咖啡室 unFashion cafe 的那裡 (其實更是 unFashion cafe 的新店 unFashion Dinning 的隔離) , 更加沒有不去一試的理由吧!
門外粉紅色的懷舊卡色帶裝飾, 以及那幅粉紅色以眾多卡式帶組合成的牆, 不只是酒吧的標誌, 更是大家來到這裡影相post 上Facebook Instagram 的絕佳背景, 連泰國紅星 Boy Pakorn 都有一樣的做!
Then, knowing this new bar is called Cassette Music bar. Obviously live music is one key element of this bar, and more important they focus on music between 1990s-2000s.
The bar actually locates in Ekamai Soi 10, which is very close to my all-time favourite cafe , unFashion cafe ( Indeed, it is right next to the unFashion dinning, the new branch of unFashion cafe)
The Pink color Cassette tape installation, as well as the big wall grouping lots of pink color cassette tapes together, are both the landmark-like photogenic spot for everyone, even Thai star Boy Pakorn did the same and posted a photo on his own instagram!

那個週一的晚上, 人客這好不算是太多, 人少少的哥兒我倆剛好被安排了近 Live band 的那邊, 正好可以享受live music 輕鬆地 chill chill 一下。今天不要來 beer tower 了, 先來個 Long Island Ice Tea 好吧!
It wasn't very crowded on that Monday night, The 2 of us was arranged to the area near to the live band, which is perfect for us to chill for the night! Well, i decided to say no to beer tower tonight and go for Long island ice tea instead!

是晚的 Live band 的 Vocal 是兩位女歌手, Maryin 及 Lili , 唱的大多是比較清新感覺的泰語和英語歌曲 現場氣氛也當然非常好吧, 她們更演唱了些連我也懂, 更是我喜愛的泰文歌呢,
The vocalist of the night were 2 pretty ladies, Maryin & Lili, the Thai & English songs they performed were relatively soft and fresh. The whole atmosphere were great, and it was so good many songs are my favorite !

當晚的情況, 不妨從video 中重溫一下。
This is the video recap about their great live music performance on that night!
臨走前, 剛巧有機會跟酒吧的負責人談了數句, 問他為何會把Snoopy 和 Charlie Brown 加入成為酒吧的一部份牆身圖案, 他當說是Snoopy 的 Fans 吧, 而且他覺得這些卡通人物挺有classic 的感覺, 跟酒吧主打的方向不謀而合吧!
Before leaving, i had a chance to chat with one of the partners of thr bar and asked him about the reason for putting Snoopy and Charlie Brown as part of the bar decoration. He said he is also a fans of Snoopy (Yes certainly!) and somehow Snoopy & pals look quite fit will the classic theme of the bar indeed !

嗯, 從此以後, Ekkamai Soi 10 這裡除了有我最喜愛的咖啡室外, 現在更有了我喜愛的酒吧了!
Well, from now on, there're not only my favourite cafe in Ekkamai soi 10, but also my favorite bar here as well!
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The Cassette Music Bar Ekamai
5/1 Ekkamai 10 , Bangkok, Thailand
Open Daily from 5pm - 1am