泰日暖男裝 Bank's Shop (Terminal 21)
Could't recall when was the first time I discovered this lovely men's clothing shop. Since then, Bank's Shop has became a shop i have to visit every time when i am in town!
三數年次, 某次在曼谷閒逛購物時發現了這間很有風格的男裝店。 自此以後, 每次在曼谷購物時 Bank's Shop 都會是在我心目中要逛逛的 check list 其中一家店。

I love to shop around in Terminal 21 Mall very much, there are many hearty local fashion designers stores. Bank's Shop no doubt is one of them.
With a mix of some Japanese elements with their Thai ideas, the style of their clothes are quite suitable for funky and stylish gentlemen. Wait, isn't it my style as well? 5555 !
很多朋友都知道我很喜歡在Termial 21購物, 有很多有特色, 有設計的曼谷本地潮店, (而且價格是相當的物有所值) 而這間 Bank's shop 當然就是其中之一。
店子走的是泰式的型格文青風格, 部份的衣服亦有加入了日本原素 (布料, 鈕釦等等) , 最適合的就是偏好帶點新潮型格走 gentleman style 的男生。等等, 這不就正正是我的風格嗎? 哈哈哈!

On Alexander : Shirts from Bank's Shop

On Alexander : Tee Shirt from Bank's Shop
Many items from the shop are pretty cool as well, especially some 2016 summer items.
Probably i would shop more in my soon next visit.
店子大部份的衣品都很有型也很有他們一貫的風格, 尤其是最新推出的 2016初夏貨品。相信不久的下次去逛逛將會有不少收鑊了吧!
(Photo source : Instagram @bankshop_thailand)

Many Thai stars also support their clothes , including Famous Thai actor Sonyuke !!
不少的泰國藝人名星也有支持 Bank's shop 的服裝, 當中更包括不少中港台泰劇愛好者甚為喜愛的型男 Sonyuke!
(Photo source : Instagram @bankshop_thailand)

Recently, many of their clothes can also be found on the participants of the red hot TV programme "THE STAR12" as well.
而最近他們的服裝也常常出現在紅透泰國的綜藝電視節目 THE STAR12 中的參賽者身上!
(Photo Source : Facebook page of Bank's Shop)

Btw, which was the first item i bought from Bank's Shop? Well, it was the Colorful Tuk Tuk tee shirt from SS 2012 . What a Classic!
我第一次在 Bank's shop 買的衫係邊件? 哈, 就係SS2012 的那件colorful tuktuk 圖案的款式, 很經典了吧!
(Photo source : Instagram @bankshop_thailand)

Sometimes my friends (both guys and girls) would ask me where did i get some nice men's clothes. Well, this is of the places i would recommend.
很多時都有朋友 (包括男仔同女仔) 問我曼谷邊度買衫好。 毫無疑問, Bank's Shop 就是我會推介其中一間!

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Bank's Shop
Terminal 21, Room 2-099 (London Floor), 3/2 Street
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/banks.TM.shop/
instagram : http://www.instagram.com/bankshop_thailand/
Line: bankshop_thailand