(un)Fashion Cafe & (un)Fashion Vintage 最美好的咖啡時光, 最時尚的古著店
大概,由第一次的來到之後這裡永遠都會是我最愛的曼谷咖啡室 Since the first visit, this place would always be my most favourite cafehopping spot in Bangkok,

This time, I visited here again on a non-working Monday of me, while I was looking for a cozy spot to sit down and clear some work email stuff.
在某個不用工作的星期一下午, 正要找個舒適的地方飲杯咖啡和處理一些工作上的emails等等事項, 想了一想就決定再次來這裡。
Like an usual habit when I get onto a double-decker bus, i always love to look for the seat on upper floor. Still, none was available and thus i picked a seat at downstairs.
咖啡室設有兩層, 一如登上雙層巴士的那種習慣 , 喜歡先走到上層尋找個合適的位置那樣。可惜, 到目前為止我還沒有機會坐在上層位置。不打緊, 坐下層的其實一點也不壞。

I have already got used to spend a bit of my holiday time on working, and i feel super good here because this should be the most comfortable corner I have been working on in this half year. I even finished my work stuff in an efficient way.
其實我已經習慣了在休假的時候抽一些時間處理工作的事項, 大概在這間最喜愛的cafe裡的角落工作一會算是我近半年來最舒適的工作位置吧, 所以不用多久我便完成了, 繼續享受獨個兒的咖啡樂趣。
The Iced Thai Cappuccino is absolutely the thing that makes me staying in the seat and not going anywhere. Coffee tastes great as always, and it absolutely cool myself off from hot weather outside.
這杯冰凍的泰式cappuccino 真是透心涼的說, 味道也是跟之前喝過一樣的好。 你問我有打算離開這個舒適的角落到外面走走嗎? 我會答暫時不要好了!

I think It has been long that i didn't have such a moment on my own.
i looked outside and it made me think of the time we were here for the first time.
That was a great afternoon at the end of the year, we took exactly the seat outside mine right here.
那是接近年尾的一個美好下午, 當然我和她正正就是坐在窗外的這個戶外位置。

Weather was a bit cool in December at that time, taking an outdooor seat was a perfect idea. We ordered an Espresso and a Iced Thai Cappuccino, then followed by another Iced Thai Cappuccino with a Gelato con caffe.
12月尾曼谷的天氣不再炎熱, 帶點涼意的天氣選坐戶外座位實是最佳的時候。我們點了Espresso 和 Iced Thai Cappuccino, 及後再追加了另一杯的 Iced Thai Cappuccino 和 Gelato con caffe (ice cream coffee).
Coffee taste of all these are so great, strong but not over. The Gelato con caffe is no doubt a great choice! I never had such a perfectly mixed coffee & ice-cream before. She liked the gelato very much and me this non-dessert-fan also think this is quite a recommended eatery item here!
咖啡的味道愛濃得很,後加的ice cream coffee 更是棒到一個極點! 不誇張的說, 這大概是我吃過最好的咖啡與雪糕的完美配合。她說 Aroi mak 十分好吃, 而平時不多愛吃雪糕甜品的也覺得這Gelato con caffe 絕對會是推介之選!

Not only attracted by the coffee and dessert we had, but also the chilling atmosphere here. People here, no matter they came in a group or came alone, all seems like very enjoy the leisure moment of being here.
不單只是被這裡的咖啡和甜品所吸引, 這裡整體的休閒感覺也是滿分的! 來這裡的人, 不論是單人還是一小群的, 看來都很悠然自得地享受在這裡的 coffee break.
And we, of course, had our great time here during our year-end getaway trip.
而當時正在渡假我倆, 當然也在這裡渡過了一個美好的下午吧!

How did i get to know about this cool spot ? The fact was that i saw on Instagram that many Thai people took cool pictures with this coffee shop as background and so i searched for the information about here.
我是如何得知這個有型格的地方? 其實就是在instagram看到不了泰國人都在這裡, 以咖啡室作背景拍下不少有型的潮拍, 所以及後便再加以找尋這裡的資料。
The vintage double-decker coach bus like caravan appearance of the cafe is no doubt very photogenic, and it is so obviously-seen as it stands alone in the open area right in front of the Ekkamai shopping mall.
猶如一輛復古雙層旅遊客車的外型, 絕對是拍攝的好材料。 加上這輛"客車" 剛好停泊在ekkamai shopping mall 對出路口的空曠位置, 更為明顯易見。
Okay, let's strike some cool poses for taking stylish photos then!
好, 那就擺多幾個poses 影多幾張潮拍吧!

Happiness of life is always about being in a right place with a right person at a right time.
This happy moment we had here is really unforgettable.
生活中的快樂往往就是在適當的位置跟適合的人做最適當的簡單事, 我們在這裡有著難忘的愉快時光。
I always like Time-hopping, and i feel specially great to do it here and feel like having road-trip on a caravan. I wanna order the gelato con caffe again but i prefer to share this with you when we came again next time.
我常常都愛回想過去美好的事, 在這旅遊客車似的咖啡廳裡跟時間一起慢遊更是最好不過。喝完今天這杯回味的咖啡, 我本想再追加那個ice cream coffee, 不過最後過是決定留待下次和她一起來回味會更好吧!

Meanwhile, their vintage shop, (un)Fashion Vintage is also there connected with the cafe.
It is a paradise for vintage wear lovers, there are so many vintage leather shoes and bags collected by the owners mainly from Japan / USA etc. There are new items on every Wednesday as well!
同時, 在咖啡室側這裡就是他們起家的那間古著店。如果是古著愛好者的話, 這裡絕對會是你的一片天堂! 這裡有著店主們日本, 美國, 歐洲等地找回來的復古皮具, 總有一件會成為你的心頭好, 而據說每個星期三都會更會有新貨上架呢!

So many cool vintage leather shoes from their Men's collection and most of them are selling with quite good price as well !
She bought me a pair of leather loafers when we were here last time and i am still wearing it from time to time nowadays.
男裝部這邊有很多高質素的古著皮鞋, 當中不少的價格並不貴。 對上一次和她來時, 她買給我的那雙皮鞋今天我還常常有穿的。

There's also ladies corner and obviously you could see there are even more vintage leather items like boots ,heels , handbags as well!
女裝部份更加不用多說, 除了皮鞋還有更多產品如手袋, 皮靴, 高跟鞋等等古著。

From this spring, they have expanded their coverage in the Ekkamai here by adding the new shop "(un)fashion dining & General store" opposite to the Unfashion cafe compound.
The outdoor area here looks more or less the same as the original shop, but the interior is in totally different style.
今年較早的時候, 店主們更在咖啡店對面的鋪位增設 (un)fashion dining & General store, 進一步擴大他們在ekkamai shopping mall 這裡的版圖。
新店門口的位置看來跟本店差不多, 但其實內裡卻是兩種完全不同的設計風格。

This new wing of (un)fashion is selling some brand new home decor items mainly imported from the US, that's why you could see the interior design here more tend to like be warmer and like home feeling.
新店這邊主售的從美國入口的型格家居怖置和用品, 所以這邊整個設計風格都傾向生活化家居的那種感覺。

You may still found some leather items here. 這邊當然還會見到有不少有型皮具的。

The semi open-pantry and the dining area here is also quite different from the cafe as well.

Didn't try the food this time, but some dishes looks great tho!
這次未有機會一嚐這邊的食物, 但從店家官方圖片看來很不錯呢!
(Source: official Instagram of unfashioncafe)

Well, i know where to bring her to next time when the both of us are in town 555! 好了, 下次和她一起在曼谷時, 大概知道要到去哪了吧! 哈哈!

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(UN)Fashion Cafe
In front of Ekkamai Soi 10
Open 10:30-20:30 Everyday.
TEL: 094-421-2411
(UN)Fashion Dining & General Store
Ekkamai Soi 10, Bangkok, Thailand
Open 12:00-22:00 , Close on Tuesday
TEL: 099-527-9053
(un)FASHION Vintage Collection
Open 12:00-21:00 Everyday
TEL: 02-726-9592
Fb page: www.facebook.com/unFASHIONVINTAGE
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unfashionvintage/