BangSaen Cafe-hopping (BangSaen逛咖啡室誌)

Cafe-hopping is a popular trend among hipsters. We all know there are many cool cafes in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, and actually BangSaen does as well !
On the Christmas Holiday a year ago, i checked out some cool cafes in this capital city of Chonburi province.
逛咖啡室, 是近年隨著社交網絡平台而興起的一種生活態度方式。
要數泰國有型格的咖啡室, 有很多在曼谷和清邁的大家都知道, 其實Bangsaen這邊也有不少的!
去年的聖誕假期時, 我這個春武里(Chonburi) 的首府短暫逗留了三天, 也發現了一些值得介紹的咖啡餐室。
La Torta Bangsaen ลา ทอร์ต้า บางแสน

"La Torta" means cake in Italian. From their name we could easily know it is an Italian style coffee & cake shop.
The colorful houses and lovely decorations really makes people feel like having a vacation in a European small town. Almost every corner in this cafe is very photogenic!
They offer both indoor and outdoor seating, no doubt the outside ones are more cool to enjoy coffee especially when we visited here in December!
Coffee and drinks are pretty nice and in very reasonable price. If you are a fans of coffee related dessert, the Banoffee Pie here is something you really can't miss. We 3 people each killed one and feel need to ask for more!
在意大利文 "La Torta" 其實就是蛋糕的意思, 從咖啡店的名字大概都可以估到這裡是走意大利式歐陸風格, 而且甜點也應該不會差得去哪裡吧!
色彩繽紛的小房子, 以及店裡各式各樣的陳設, 確是挺能給客人一種置身在歐陸小鎮外遊的感覺, 差不多每個角落都是拍攝的上佳角度。
La Torta 設有戶外及室內的位置, 毫無疑問在這裡的戶外位置嘆咖啡感覺真是棒極了, 特別是12月份微涼的泰國天氣。
這裡的咖啡飲品挺有質素, 配合這裡的環境, 售的價錢一點也不貴, 所以也有不少當地大學生來這裡。如果你是咖啡類甜食的愛好者的話, 你一定不可以錯過這裡的Banoffee Pie (香蕉太妃批)! 我們仨各自點了一個, 吃罷後這是有覺得意猶未盡似的!
If you come at a right season, you could see many beautiful maple leaves in the backyard.
Meanwhile, the sunset scene at the backyard is pretty awesome as well!
After the sun goes down, the lights are on, it makes the atmosphere of the cafe even better ! Awww, could we stay here for a longer while?
假如剛好在秋冬季來的話, 更會有幸如我一樣的看到這裡後園遍是紅葉, 配上日落西山時份的陽光, 這裡的景色美極了!
入夜後, 咖啡屋亮起了燈又把這裡的溫暖感覺再推高了一個層次。 啊! 我們可以在這裡多留一會嗎?
La Torta Bangsaen ลา ทอร์ต้า บางแสน
หมู่บ้านเอื้ออาทรบ้านเซิด Chonburi, Chon Buri, Thailand 20130.
Tel : 092 569 6066
Opening Hours: 09:00 am. - 21:00 pm.
Website :
Café Kantary ,BangSaen คาเฟ่ แคนทารี บางแสน

Café Kantary is a F&B venture from Cape & Kantary Hotels, it aims to provide cheerful cozy ambiance for customers to hang out.
This Bangsaen branch located at the most busiest corner along the beach side. Meanwhile, it is just about 10mins walk away from Burapha University, the shop is always full of customers especially young Thai hipsters, both local or outsiders.
The international cuisine they serve are above average (for sure!). Iced cappuccinos and Seafood pizza are our recommended picks. There are also pastry & bakery items to buy home, i still remember the taste from the 2 bottles of fruit jams i picked were so great!
Café Kantary 其實是泰國有名的Cape & Kantary Hotels 所開設的飲食副線, 主意是要給客人一個舒適快樂的休閒空間的聚聚。
Bangsaen 這間分店剛好座落在最繁忙的角落, 不僅是在海灘路的旁邊, 而且只是距離著名大學 Burapha University 不過10分鐘的路程。不難看見的是, 大多時候這裡都會見到很多打扮新潮的泰國年輕男女, 不是當地人, 還是如我們一樣來這裡閒遊的外地人 。
有著酒店餐飲背景, 這裡的西式食品當然是很不錯的, 我們尤其喜歡這裡的Iced cappuccinos 以及 海鮮pizza。另外亦有其實飽餅類的產品售買, 到了今天我還對在這裡買了兩樽果醬的那個味道記憶猶新哩!
The large wall-to-wall windows allow sunlight goes into the cafe, this warm feeling definitely makes me don't want to leave. If i stay here for good, I would definitely visit here very often, as this is a spot that i saw the most amount of stylish people during my visit in Bangsaen.
溫暖的陽光從近門口位置的大落地玻璃射進來, 令我們坐在這裡的感覺倍感溫暖舒適。假如有一天在 Bangsaen 長住的話, 這間有著很多打扮時尚的當地人來來往往的咖啡店, 定會是我最常去的一家。

Café Kantary, Bangsaen
301, 303 ถนน ลงหาดบางเเสน ตำบล เเสนสุข อำเภอ เมือง จังหวัด ชลบุรี 20130
301, 303 Long Hat Bang Saen Rd, Mueang Chon Buri, Chon Buri 20130 Tel : +66 3838 6474 Open daily from 9am – 11pm
GOD 's Station custom dining & bistro

If you're a bike lover, i am sure you would love this cafe and bistro. because the bistro owner is a super fans of it ! Bike or motorbike related decorations are found almost every corner, no matter it is the indoor or outdoor area , and even the backyard pool-game area!
The concept of this vintage garage style bistro is to create a relaxing atmosphere for everyone to gather and chill. In daytime, they serve coffee and simple food. At night time, they also serve high variety of beers and a more completed Thai & Western food menu.
假如你是個單車愛好者的話, 我相信你定會愛上這間咖啡室式小餐館 , 因為這裡的老闆簡直是單車和電單車的發燒友! 他把整個餐館戶外位置打造成如車房一樣的raw, 特別是在後園的那個桌球空間, 真係型到爆! 另外, 室內位置的單車佈置則跟外圍的電單車車房有著異曲同音之感。 這裡在白天的時候主要有咖啡及泰式西式輕食供應, 晚間的時候就主力供應不同種類的啤酒和各種泰式西式美食, 很適合三五知己暢聚一番!
GOD 's Station custom dining & bistro
29 ถ.บางแสนสาย4เหนือ ต.แสนสุข อ.เมือง บ้านปึก , เมืองชลบุรี , ชลบุรี 20130
29 Bang Saen Sai 4 Nuea Road, Saen Suk, Mueng Chonburi, Chonburi province 20130
Tel: 0877573011
Open Daily 1100-2359
168 Car Care & บ้านกาแฟของโปรด (Coffee Please)

What it makes this about the concept they put car caring service and coffee shop in one place. it is so perfect that customers could enjoy some coffee and snacks while the car is repairing.
Heard that there are many vintage car lovers in Chonburi, I am pretty sure the owner of this shop must be one of them! Apart from enjoying a coffee break while waiting for your car, there's an exhibits area outside the coffee corner displaying some rarely seen old cars ! More importantly, we could even get into these old cars and pretend driving them!
最後要介紹的這一間咖啡室很特別, 最令我欣賞的就是他們的運作模式。說穿了其實他們是一家以車輛護理服務為主, 同時附設有自家咖啡室的一家一站式服務站。這個模式, 不論對店主和車主雙方來說都可以說是雙贏的 (當然這裡的店主更是大獲全勝吧 555!)
聞說春武里府有著特別多的懷舊車發燒友, 我相信這裡的老闆一定是其中之一 ! 就在咖啡室對出的位置, 這裡停泊了一些十分罕見的懷舊車, 我們更是可以登上這些懷舊車感受一下。在等候車子做好簡單護理之前, 既可以嘆杯不錯的咖啡, 又可以模仿一下駕駛著這些古董車, 一舉三得, 妙計!
168 Car Care & บ้านกาแฟของโปรด (Coffee Please)
31/3-4 หลังห้างแหลมทอง ถ.บางแสนสาย 4 เหนือ Bang Saen, Chon Buri, Thailand
Tel: 062-664-6569 / 063-594-6542
Opens 0700-1900
Let's follow me and drive to see more in BangSaen .
下回, 將會繼續帶大家在 BangSaen 遊玩一下!

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