Wat Phu Thok 七層天梯上仙境

There are over ten thousands of Buddhist Temple (Wat) all over Thailand. Wat Phu Thok, aka Wat Jetiyakhiri (วัดภูทอก / วัดเจติยาคีรีวิหาร) is one of the special ones that is built on a mountain cliff. There are 7 levels of wooden walkway built along the cliff that could lead you to the summit, and at the same time have a perfect high angview of the area around.
全泰國有著成千上萬的佛寺, Wat Phu Thok วัดภูทอก , 又稱 Wat Jetiyakhiri วัดเจติยาคีรีวิหาร, 是一個依著懸崖陡峭而建造的佛寺, 最獨特的更是這裡有著七層環山而建的木棧道, 可以把一帶的風景一覽無遺!
About 185km away from Nong Khai town, Wat Phu Thok is located in Bueng Kan, the same province as the previously mentioned "The Prefect Beach of Bueng Khong Long", it is still a very worth-to-visit spot despite there would be usually long journey of at least 3hrs to get here.
Wat Phu Thok 距離 Nong Khai (廊開府)市區約 185 公里, 跟上回介紹過的"The Prefect Beach of Bueng Khong Long", 同樣是位於泰國的第 76 個府, Bueng Kan (汶干府)裡。雖然路途頗長 (約3個多小時車程), 但仍是一個十分值得拜訪的景點。

This is the entrance area, as you could see Wat Phu Thok is right at the mountain above us . The mountain looks even higher under the beautiful blue sky.
這個就是遊覽的起點, 剛好能看見高高在上的 Wat Phu Thok, 在藍天白雲的天色下更顯得 Wat Phu Thok 有種直上雲霄的感覺!

At the another side of the entrance area, a pagoda is seated peacefully along the lake side.
入口處的另一邊有著一座佛塔, 靜靜地座立在平靜的湖邊。

Before we climb up to the Buddhist temple up on the mountain, it is always good to show my sincere respect to the Buddhas here.
入屋叫人, 入廟拜神, 上山前當然要向在山下大石前的佛像來個真誠的敬禮吧!

Okay, let's get the journey started ! it seems like the steps here from this path isn't that difficult to climb up than the another path i saw on internet before.
要向上進發了吧! 從這邊走的樓梯看來比在網路上看其他人走過的懸崖邊天梯來得較心輕鬆和容易應付

Nevertheless, in some point we have to slip outself between the rock's gap to get passed.
話雖如此, 但當然也有不少上山的路線是要在石縫中走過

While we took a short break here, we were able to see a bit of the beautiful scenery around.
回眸一看, 過了半山的這個位置已能看到挺優美的風景。

It took us around 35 mins to get to the 5th level, this is also the same level that the temple is located. There's a walkway at the side of the Buddhas, reaching this observation-desk-like common area.
從起點計, 走了約35分鐘, 終於來到了第五層的位置, 也是佛寺所在的一層。 在一群背山而立的佛像側面, 有一條小路可以繼續走到來觀景台的這邊。

This is such a perfect place to look down to the area around.
Beautiful landscapes are all flying into our eyes!
附近一帶的環境, 包括剛才在起點旁邊的佛塔, 都能一一映入眼簾, 很是宏偉的說!

Why not take a deep breathe to feel about the spiritual atmosphere here? 人在高處, 除了要遠眺四週的環境外, 當然要呼吸一下就裡的靈氣吧!

Going further to this direction, we would then be getting into the long wooden walkway that is built along the cliff. This wooden walkway was built about 40 years ago, it doesn't look dangerous at all but still it is better to walk gently when you step onto the planks.
再往前走, 就會開始進入環山而建的木棧道路段。
這段木棧道有約四十年的歷史, 看來不算危險但當然是放輕腳步慢慢的走為佳。

Exploring more different cool spots to go in Thailand yet maintain in a same attitude,
this is my style.
能發掘更多泰國的特色地點而不失個人的型格, 這是我的一貫作風。

No matter it is a vertical view, horizontal view or even a panoramic view,
this is such a gorgeous angle!
不論是橫看, 直看, 還是全景的看, 這個角度看的就是宏偉。

I can't stop myself from capturing more shots of the breathtaking scenery here .
天色這樣好, 又難得身處在這麼高的位置, 當然要拍多些美麗的風景照吧!

It is so relaxing to see so many breathtaking scenery while walking along this around-the-cliff wooden walkway.
沿著木棧道慢慢的走, 一路都會看到不少優美的風景, 令人心曠神怡。 來到山腰的這的位置, 更可以遠眺對面的另一座大山。

Here, at the edge of the 5th level walkway, there is a wooden bridge connected to another mountain where some Buddhas were placed at.
同時, 在我們身處的這個第5層, 在這個山邊的盡頭有另個位置安放佛像, 並建有木橋連接。

For sure we have to take extra gentle steps when we are crossing this wooden bridge. 既然來到這裡, 當然要走過木橋一看, 不過還真的是要放輕腳步的走吧!

Can you see the back of the lying Buddha? 555
你能見到臥佛像的背影嗎? 哈哈

Since her dad is waiting for us and we did want him to wait for us so long. Therefore, we decided to give up and not further climbing up to the 7th level summit., i know we would be back in here again someday somehow! 礙於不想讓她的爸爸等候我們太久的關係, 我們還是在第五層多看一會風景而不登上山頂的第七層了,就讓更好的留待下次有機會再來吧, 我知道總會有這個機會的!

繼續沿著山邊的木棧路走, 再找回上來的路沿路下山。
回到入口處時回眸一望, 原來我們剛才真的是走上了這麼高的山!
Continue to take the walkway along the cliff, then we get back to the same route when we go up here to get down. Took a look up onto the mountain again before we leave, now we realized how high we just climbed!
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Wat Phu Tok (Wat Jetiyakhiri)
วัดภูทอก (วัดเจติยาคีรีวิหาร,)
GPS 18°07'47.1"N 103°52'55.8"E
Na Saeng, Si Wilai District, Bueng Kan 38220 Thailand