The Perfect Beach of Bueng Khong Long 泰北湖畔世外桃源

One of the best things on vacation is about spending an afternoon alongside with a peaceful lake. People call this place as "หาดคำสมบูรณ์ อ.บึงโขงหลง จ.บึงกาฬ" , which means "The Prefect Beach of Bueng Khong Long". Sounds like a perfect match to me.
人在旅途,能在寧靜湖畔享受一整個下午, 實在是最叫人嚮往的事情之一。當地人稱這裡為"หาดคำสมบูรณ์ อ.บึงโขงหลง จ.บึงกาฬ" , 意思即是 "Bueng Khong Long 區最完美的沙灘", 只聽名字已能聯想到這裡跟我想要的不謀而合了吧!

To get to this "Bueng Khong Long Perfect Beach", for sure we have to spend on time on road. It is about 180km away (3+hr drive) from both Nongkhai & UdonThani town. I would recommend to visit here along with another famous spot in this area, Wat Phu Thok (ภูทอก); which is just 30km (around 30mins drive) away!
要來到這個"完美的沙灘", 要花點時間是必須的。這裡跟郎開府(Nongkhai)或是烏隆他尼(Udonthani)的市中心相距均是約180km(3個多小時車程), 建議可跟另一著名景點Wat Phu Thok (ภูทอก)同遊, 兩者只相距約30km (30多分鐘車程)。
Once you arrive, you know it's worth to come and take a perfect break here.
當你來到這裡, 想要找個寧靜的世外桃源的你大概會知道, 這趟旅程是找對地方了吧!

Probably only local people know about this place, it makes the atmosphere here even more peaceful. Having a lake as your big backdrop, all you could truly feel the quietness of this neighborhood.
相信大多得知這片天堂的人都是當地人, 杳無人煙使得這裡格外的平靜。面前對著一大片波平如鏡的湖泊, 你能感受到的就是這片土地的舒適寧靜。
Took the seat on one of the lake side tables and ordered some seafood dishes.
Wow! Everything are so delicious!! The grilled river prawns and the Crab meat fried rice are especially great, probably is one of the best one we have had in life so far!
就在這湖邊的位置吃點海鮮好了! Wow, 每一道菜都是很地道很是美味! 當中的燒河蝦和蟹肉炒飯差不多是好吃得天上有地下無的那樣!

After a while, some local youngsters also enjoy a little bit of joy in the water. It's nothing bad but just fun to see this scene indeed.
過了一會, 有一班年輕人走到淺水的位置玩樂, 更有些去了玩香蕉船, 他們的歡笑聲也加添了我們的喜悅。

While the sky starts to turn red a bit, why not just raise your glass to enjoy chilling with local beers! Thinking about nothing under such peaceful environment is the best way to refresh our mind indeed.
本是海天一色的湖景慢慢染上了一層薄紅, 在這個晚霞初現的時份, 何不舉杯暢飲一番? 在這裡個寧靜環境下讓自己放空一會, 這絕對會是最好的休息。

It is really such a paradise here, i wish the time could be stopped for a longer while. Thank you for bringing me here, i know i would never you walk alone and see every beautiful landscape like this together.
在這個美如天堂的環境逗留, 如果時間可以走得慢些就好了。 無論如何, 我知道我們會一起走過更多如此一樣的美麗景色。

What is still missing in this perfect beach? Thai people always have the best idea!
看似挺完美的一切, 還欠了些甚麼? 泰國人懂享受的天性總是能給你最好的答案!
A guy who seems to be one of the restaurant owners set his guitar up at a spot on the beach, playing and singing some chill songs. Everyone here are getting drunk by the great music he played under this beautiful landscape.
一位看似是餐廳打理人的男子, 拿著結他, 架起咪高風, 就這樣的坐在沙灘旁奏著唱著一首又一首輕輕旋律的歌。在這個美麗景色彈奏動人小曲, 誰也會聽到醉了吧!

With this prefect ending, It's such a perfect afternoon break at The Perfect Beach of Bueng Khong Long!
就是有著這麼完美的終結, 才結束了我們這個完美的下午在Bueng Khong Long 最完美的沙灘的短休。

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หาดคำสมบูรณ์ อ.บึงโขงหลง จ.บึงกาฬ The Prefect Beach of Bueng Khong Long
GPS 17.981993, 104.026523 Bueng Khong Long, Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Thailand 38220