Mitsaranrom Noodle Cafe 歡樂一團麵
One of the joyfulness in life is about sharing of great taste food.
Run by a professional photographer, a retoucher and a magazine editor, they bring the joy from each other's life experience together and gather in this noodle cafe. This is the reason why the noodle cafe is named Mitsaranrom Noodle Cafe (i.e. Fellowship of Joy ก๋วยเตี๋ยวหมูเลียง-หมูต้มยำ มิตรสราญรมย์ )
這家湯麵店是由一位攝影師, 一位修圖師, 和一位雜誌主篇, 三位好朋友一起打理。開始麵店的主旨就是要把生活中歡樂放在一起並聚集在這裡, 所以便為店子起了一個名 "Fellowship of Joy" (ก๋วยเตี๋ยวหมูเลียง-หมูต้มยำ มิตรสราญรมย์ Mitsaranrom Noodle Cafe , 中譯 歡樂一團麵)

Powered by the traditional recipe from one of the owners' mum, the Tom Yum Noodle is especially great here. The tomyum taste is strong but not anything over, while the perfectly cooked noodles, the pork slics & pork balls are all tipped with the great tom yum taste. Don't have to worry even you can't eat spicy at all.
I can tell this is really the best Tomyum Noodles i have ever had! More importantly, it only costs me 45bahts each (i.e. $10HKD), i don't there is anything else more price worthy than this.
湯麵的食譜全是來自其中一位店主的媽媽, 是真正的傳統泰式湯麵的做法。當中最出色的要數是冬陰麵, 湯底那陣濃郁而恰到好處的冬陰味, 配上軟硬適中的麵條, 而及沾滿了冬陰味的肉片和肉丸, 味道真的是好極了! 我相信這個味道就算是不太吃辣的朋友也能接受的。
我敢說這個是我吃過最好味的冬陰麵, 沒有之一! 不止味道,價錢也是十分地道, 只是45bahts一碗 ($10港幣), 我實在想不道還有甚麼比這碗地道湯麵更具價值!

Apart from Tomyum noodles, they also serve other dishes like dry noodles, clear soup pork noodles, deserts , coffee & tea etc. During weekend, they would also have special menu like Green curry chicken rice noodles, Chinese style pork belly on stream rice with thai style sauce etc.
Everyone would found their joy when having meal here.
除了冬陰麵, 這裡當然也有其他麵食, 例如乾麵, 清湯麵, 以及簡單的甜點和咖啡奶茶汽水等等。週末的時候更會有些特別的選擇, 例如青咖哩雞撈米線, 中式腩肉片飯配泰式汁等等。
總有一款合你心意, 總會令你在這裡的用膳充滿歡樂。

The giant noodle soup wall painting was inspired by the wall art in Georgetown when they 3 travelled to Penang earlier this year, This wall art has now become a signature of the noodle cafe.
牆身上的大大幅湯麵壁畫是靈感自三位店主在較早前到馬來西亞檳城旅行時所啟發的, 所以在開業時便請來油畫師的友人來畫出麵店的主打菜, 冬陰麵的畫像。這個湯麵壁畫現在當然已經成為麵店的標記了吧!

See, even the red hot Thai artiste Aom Sushar also took pictures in front of this wall art and said the noodles her are so tasty!
連在泰國和中國都一樣紅透半邊的李海娜 (Aom Sushar) 都要跟這幅壁畫合照, 更太讚這裡的湯麵十分好吃!
(Source : Official instagram of Aom_Sushar & Facebook Page of Mitsaranrom Noodle Cafe)

The photo menu on the wall are no doubt created by the photographer owner.
These great pictures make me wanna eat all these again NOW!!
更另一邊牆身的相片牆當然是由攝影師店主所操刀的, 看到都想立即再吃!!

An insist of doing everything by their own hands with heart has now made a professional photo retoucher to be a full time noodle chef. Thank you for making so much effort to make everyone feel joy here!
就是對原汁原味湯麵的堅持, 他們仨大多時間都會親力親為。專業的修圖師現在都已經差不多變成了全職的湯麵大廚, 他們的堅持就是為麵店的客人帶來歡笑。

As a friend of you all, i truly wish the joy here will last forever and create a big gang of joy, a Great Fellowship of Joy!
作為你們的朋友, 我也衷心希望這種歡樂的味道會不斷的保存, 令這個"歡樂一團"變得更大吧!

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Mitsaranrom noodle cafe (Fellowship of Joy)
ก๋วยเตี๋ยวหมูเลียง-หมูต้มยำสูตรเจ้ก๋อย "มิตรสราญรมย์"
Ladphrao WangHin Road , Bewteen Soi 8 & 10, opposite to Soi 9 (near Chokchai 4 Wat ladprhao).
ตรงข้ามลาดพร้าววังหิน ซ.9 (ใกล้โชคชัย4-วัดลาดพร้าว)
Instagram :
Opening Hour : 0945-1500 daily
Tel: +66 86 555 3256
Direction to get there from MRT Lat Phrao Station

Google map search :
ก๋วยเตี๋ยวหมูเลียง-หมูต้มยำสูตรเจ้ก๋อย "มิตรสราญรมย์