Anis Bistro Sathorn 曼谷隱世好味道
Everyone have a homey restaurant in mind, Anis Bistro is no doubt my choice.
Every time when i'm back in here, my appetite comes and i really feel like home coming!
每個人心目中總會有一間餐廳最有那種 "家的感覺", 而我的這個"家" 正正就是Anis Bistro. 每次回到這裡時, 我總會覺得好像是回老家探朋友還食慾大振那樣! (難怪我會越來越肥吧.......)

Attracted by the atmosphere of this restaurant from the first moment I got here. A simple, causal and authentic local dining place around the St. Louis (Sathorn Soi 13) community, this place is absolutely a great hidden gem in the city!
I especially like the message board here, the board is full of compliments from customers around the world. How sweet it is !
Btw, can you find my message written at the first time i visited here? 55555
第一次來的時侯, 已經深深被這裡的簡單隨意的氣氛吸引著。 位於 St.Louis (Sathorn 13) 的這間小餐館絕對是個大城市中的隱世美食寶藏!
我特別喜歡這裡簡單而窩心的陳設, 特別是那寫滿了來自世界各地遊客留言的訊息板, 滿載了全是讚美的評語, 要是我每天工作都看到像這的留言就定會加大我工作的動力, 哈!
(你能找到我第一次來時的留言嗎 ? 原來現在我已經不是唯一在這裡寫中文字的人)

The Thai country style tables are always the great backdrop of my food shots as well

There is a western backpackers' favourite hotel next to the restaurant, therefore it is common to see many westerners have meals here. Local people live here around also love to gather here too, no matter is for food or for chill.
餐廳旁有一間很多外國背包遊客喜愛的酒店, 所以很多時侯都會有很多西方人在這裡用餐。在附近住的當地人也很喜歡有空的時侯來這裡吃東西閒聊chill chill 一下。

At one time, i was staying in Sathorn for almost a week and i had many meals here but without a single dish ordered repeatedly! I can tell, there are so many choices for so many great local dishes here !
年前有一次我也曾在Sathron 這一帶逗留了差不多一個禮拜, 其間有好多餐都是在這裡吃的。印象中當時是沒有一道菜我點了兩次的。這當然是因為有太多美味的地道泰菜菜式可供選擇吧!
These are some of my favourite dishes. 這些都是我這些年來在 Anis Bistro 嚐過的個人推介。

Seafood Curry Baked in Coconut (椰青焗海洋咖哩)

Curry Noodles with chicken (黃咖哩雞絲湯麵)

Pad Prik Gaeng Nua / Beer stir fried with holy basil, (紅咖哩炒牛肉)

Fried fish in Tamarind Sauce (甜酸羅望子醬炸魚塊)

Mango Salad in Thai Style (泰式芒果沙律)

Grilled beef salad in Thai Style (泰式牛肉沙律)

Green Curry Chicken with roti (青咖哩雞配薄餅)

Almost every dishes are great here! 線之, 每次來吃我都是捧著肚子走的!
Even sometimes i am not here for meal, grab a fruit drink is also nice! 有時侯, 不在這裡吃東西, 來飲杯fruit shake也是透心涼的啊!

Now you know the reason why i always gain weight after traveling in Thailand. 555
Next time if you're around. come by to try the great good here!
相信大家明白我點解每次去完泰國都會增左肥啦 大家不妨去試下這裡的隱世美食吧!

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Anis Bistro @ Sathorn 15
อานิส บิสโตร @ สาธร 15
St. Louis Soi 15-17, South Sathorn Road, Yan Nawa District, Bangkok 10120
ซอยเซนต์หลุยส์ 15-17 ถนนสาทรใต้, 10120
Instagram ;
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Tel : 0899664445 / 0820187480
Opening : 1000-1500, 1730-2230 (Close On Friday)
Way to get there,
1) Get off from BTS Surasuk, walk along the Sathron Soi 15 for about 5 mins until you see a narrow lane, go through it for about 2 mins (same as the map shown below)

2) Take a taxi / motorbike to Sathorn Soi 13, get off at Sathorn Heritage Hotel then walk for about 5 mins
(same as the map shown below)

Location Map on Google