Casa Lapin x26 兔子洞裡的悠閒境界

Have heard of the good reputation about Casa Lapin coffee shops for quite sometime but still haven't been to any of them.
對於Casa lapin 這個名字, 我一點也不陌生, 但卻又總是從未有到過他們任何一間的 coffee shop.
On a weekday morning, while i was looking for a place to have a long and comfort breakfast before my afternoon flight, i think of there's one Casa Lapin not far away on Sukhumvit soi 26 and thus i could finally have my first visit.
某個平日的早上, 正想在下午要飛之前找個舒適地方吃個豐富的早餐, 想起在不遠的 soi 26 有間 Casa Lapin, 於是終於有了這個第一次了!
I really thought this 1st time visit could have been much earlier!
認真的說, 我真的想這個第一次的拜訪絕對可以來得早些

Since the owner of this coffee shop empire is indeed an architect , spacious is something he quite emphasizes in all of his cafes.
咖啡店的老闆其實是一位建築師, 空間感是casa lapin 重視的其中一個原素。
Coffee was another important element that leading the owner to open coffee shops. From the smell came from my flat white made me knew that I came to a right place this morning!
另一個重要原素當然就是咖啡, 據說老闆自己決定開咖啡室的其中原因是發現沒有找到適合自己咖啡喜好的咖啡室。由我的那杯 Flat white 滲出來味道, 我大概就知道這個早上我是來了對的地方了吧!
This more than enough spaces, the rustic wooden-theme interior design, the cozy atmosphere, together with the lovely swan coffee-art in my coffee, all these good stuff pop-up one thought in my mind; why i didn't come here earlier with my คู่ชีวิต ?
那種舒適的空間感, 那簡樸實木為主的室內設計風格, 那悠閒的氣氛, 配上附有天鵝拉花的香濃咖啡, 種種的美好東西令我想起 : 為何之前沒有跟她一齊來這裡嘆咖啡呢?

One thing really surprised me when my breakfast came, The Horse mussels on the side made my appetite came first, then the deeply fried eggs on toast are really so crispy like its name " Crispy Eggs with Horse mussels", i really never expect an egg-toast-dish could be presented in this way !!
真的令我意想不到的, 竟然是我所點選的早餐。我從來沒有想過"蛋多士"類別的早餐原來是可以用這樣子的方式做出—來! 炸得脆卜卜的炒蛋, 配上以蕃茄醬底的貽貝, 再夾上脆多士上, 效果竟然可以是這樣的好, 厲害! 這一道早點名為 Crispy Eggs with Horse mussels

Finished such a fully satisfied breakfast with great coffee, what else? Well, i grabbed couple of free lifestyle journals here, isn't it the perfect mood to read such contents?
(i also wish i could be able to read the Thai language content of DON'T Journal someday 555)
吃過這個豐富的早點配咖啡, 要繼續到有生活態度嗎? 拿本免費派發的 lifestyle 雜誌閱覽一下會是最適合了吧!
(也希望有一天我能看得明白泰文的那本 DON'T Journal)

The name "Casa Lapin" means Rabbit's home in French. It feels like everyone here including me have found their comfort zone, enjoy the moment of being quiet on own's corner very much .
咖啡店的名稱 "Casa Lapin" 其實是法文中"兔子的家"這意思。 看來包括我在內的每一位顧客, 都在這裡找到一個舒適的位置, 享受著在這裡一個人的寧靜。

Furthermore, there's also a hostel & co-working space "One day at a time" , as well as a flower shop "Oneday wallflowers" . Together with the cafe, all these made up such a hip compound here.
其實這裡不只有casa lapin 咖啡室, 還有"One day at a time" 旅館和開放工作地方, 更有"Oneday wallflowers"花藝店, 全部加合起來就是這個很有型格文青 feel 的小社區。
I believe I could work in a very efficient way here if the next time i came over to handle some work-related matters!
如果下次要找個位置處理工作事務的話, 在這個舒適地方工作相信定能增加我的工作效率吧!

It's time to get back to the reality after having such quality time here.
I'm sure i would be back in here again and to check out other Casa Lapin as well !
在兔子洞裡的悠閒境界渡過了一整個上午, 又是時候要讓自己走回現實世界。 我肯定有機會的話我會再來這裡, 也定會拜訪一下其他的Casa lapin 兔子洞。

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Casa Lapin x 26 Sukhumvit Soi 26, Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: 02-000-5546
Opening Hours : 7:30am to 10:00pm Daily