Summer time in Bangkok, it's always a good idea to take a break in a cozy air-conditioned cafe. After spending a whole morning buying stuff in the area around,this FAVOUR CAFE' comes into my mind.
夏日在曼谷, 走進舒適有冷氣的cafe 飲杯野避暑休息一會盡在是最好不過的提議。
渡過左一個忙碌的上午, 想起剛巧不遠的地方有這間FAVOUR CAFE', 就去試試好吧!

Located near the car entrance of the hip community mall, Tha Maharaj.
The interior design and the ambience they created makes FAVOUR CAFE' is truly a cafe-hopping favorite spot for hipsters, both local and westerners.
Cafe 的位置剛好在Tha Maharaj 這個挺新的小社區的入口處, 不難找到的。
店內的裝修陳設很有型格, 整個氣氛很好很適合像文青般的慢活態度, 不難相信這裡確是一個不論是本地還是西方型人的cafe-hopping熱點。

Coffee is always the most important factor for a coffee shop. Normally i would order hot coffee, but not today! Instead, i picked their Ice cube coffee.
It turns out quite impressive to me with the presence of the ice cudes. The longer your drink, the stronger favour the coffee is.
咖啡當然是一間咖啡室很重要的元素, 一般的情況我都會點選熱的咖啡, 但當然不是今天吧!
點選了他們的 Ice cube coffee, 味道是十分好的哩! 因為有那些咖啡冰粒的關係, 所以慢慢來飲味道也不會變淡, 不錯不錯!

Light meals sandwiches or spaghettis are also serving here.
You know, Spaghetti Pa Kaprao is always my choice if it is on menu na. Aroi krup!
當然這裡都有不少的食物供應, 我是選了我很喜歡的 Pa Kaprao 炒意粉, 好味道!

This cute doggie is one of the staff here too, guess he helps to attract many customers to come na 555! See, he is wearing a Snoopy scarf as well !!
仲有仲有一位好可愛的員工, 就係呢隻狗喇, 佢一定幫cafe拉到唔少客黎, 哈哈! 你睇佢, 佢係戴住帶 Snoopy 既圍巾架!

Okie, feeling fully recharged here, time to move on and enjoy the great afternoon here around.
Thanks for giving us another great coffee day .
好喇, 悠閑愉快既時間過得特別快, 休息過後又要去其他地方了, happy weekend!

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Tha Maharaj, Maharaj Road, Pra Nakorn, Bangkok ท่ามหาราช ถนนมหาราช พระนคร กรุงเทพฯ, พระบรมมหาราชวัง
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/favour_cafe/