CREADZ Cafe, make your day in a Finest way
A good day always consist of having leisure time in a cozy cafe.
Maybe, one of the finest ways to make your day, is to come to CREADZ cafe.
美好的一天中其中一的部份, 可能就是在舒適的咖啡室享受一些悠閑時間。 如是者, 或許你可以嘗試來CREADZ cafe 這裡感受一下休閑的生活態度。

Seated on the road side of Phetchburi Road, this 2-stories coffee shop gives every customer adequate spaces for having cozy time here.
正正座立在Phetchburi Road路旁的這間兩層高的cafe, 高高的樓頂, 具空間感的陳設, 絕對能給予客人充足的個人空間。
The little glasshouse-like extension area is my favorite spot, where here's a big wooden table with some plant decoration items. When the sunlight comes down, i feel like i could take a deep breath feeling a moment of slowness in the city.
個人十分喜愛近大門口旁的玻璃屋角落, 坐在這邊的大木檯, 與旁邊的植物陳設, 猶如置身於溫室中飲咖啡一樣。有陽光射進來時, 暖而不熱的感覺正好讓我感受一下城市慢活的感覺。 (証明呢度冷氣係唔弱的, 哈哈!)

Hot meals are serving here, with various choices of Western and Thai style. Fried chicken wings is definitely a special one here!
食物方面, 這裡是有供應西式和泰式的咸甜小吃, 泰式炸雞翼是我們甚為喜歡的一道小吃哩!
Girls might be caring most about desert. I tell you, even my girlfriend and i are not that kind of desert-favorite people, we both agree that it's truly good ! They offers combo to go along with coffee + food + desert, so do remember to ask for the advice from the staff when you order.
女生可能最關注的會是cafe 的甜點吧! 以我和女朋友都不是甜魔來說, 這裡的甜品是很有水準的! (甜品愛好者試過後不妨再話比我聽你地的評價吧! ) 而且這裡是有 咖啡 +食品 + 甜品的combo 提供, 下單時不妨向店員查詢一下。

This shop is actually run by some Thai pop artists and artiste manager, therefore it is common that you might be bumping into you favorite Thai Stars here if you are lucky enough!
呢間cafe 其實是由數位泰國當地的藝人和經理人等一起開設的, 所以如果你有運的話, 在 cafe 這裡碰見你喜歡的泰國明星並不難啊!
Photo source : Facebook page of Creadz cafe

Here around are some office buildings. No matter you come in for a rest or checking email or something, experience a bit more of the lifestyle in the Bangkok city anyway! 這裡附近一帶都有不少辦工大樓, 週未來的話更見休閑。不論你是來休息一會, 還是使用電腦工作一會也好, 置身這裡都總能感受到曼谷人的那種懂得享受的生活態度。

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1980 Phetchburi 38/1, Bangkok 10310
ติดถนนใหญ่เพชรบุรีตัดใหม่ หน้าซอย38/1
Facebook : Instagram
How to get there:
Grab a taxi when you are off from BTS Phrom Phong, about 10 mins taxi ride.