時尚.曼谷 Vogue Lounge
"Bangkok city! This one is for you..."
A song keep looping in my mind once I stepped into the MahaNakhon Cube.
浦踏進這幢簇新的MahaNakhon Cube, 就不自然地在腦海哼著一段歌

Located on the 6/F of MahaNakhon Cube, like many other lounges, the Vogue Lounge offers both indoor and outdoor area.
是的, 剛才哼的歌就是 "Mahanakhon", 而 Vogue Lounge 就正正是座落於這幢叫 MahaNakhon Cube 的六樓。 (大家又知道 Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 是代表甚麼嗎?)
No doubt, from the second you step out from the lift, the deco-style of its indoor area, the bar table area, and of course the photographs on wall, all of us could feel about the elegantly stylish ambience right here!
酒廊設有室外和室內的位置, 由一踏出 Lift 進入這裡的一刻, 所見到室內位置的裝潢, 長長的Bar 檯, 仲有牆上掛著的圖片集, 都已經講你知呢度係一個點樣既地方 : "高貴", "型格" !

Not much night city view in the outdoor area? No problem! Stay focus to everyone here in this lounge 555!
戶外酒吧位無夜景睇, 唔係呀嘛? 無問題! 其實咁樣你仲可以專心望下呢度出入既型人! (楂正牌望靚女型男唔係更好嗎? 哈)
Customers here are half Thais half Westerners, while the Thais are mostly dressing nice with style. Pretty girls and handsome men are around almost every table. Together with the cool music played by the DJ, the outdoor area is a much cooler area in my opinion.
在場所見, 酒客當中泰國本地人與西方人各佔一半左右, 其中泰國人更大多打扮得宜, 相當前衛。差不多每一檯客當中都會見到有俊男美女, 再加上駐場 DJ 打出時尚音樂, 你問我意見的話我一定會答你揀室外的位置黎感受下曼谷的時尚夜晚啦!

Coincidently, on night we went there, a few of HK lady friends of mine are in town and thus we went there together. 3 Stylish HK girls (my friends), a pretty Thai girl (my girl) and me, okie guys please don't envy me for having such combination on coming Vogue. 5555 !
巧合地, 去Vogue Lounge 的那個晚上剛巧有數位香港的女性友人正在曼谷渡假, 相請不如偶遇就一齊黎呢度飲返杯。三位打扮前衛的香港美女(我朋友), 一位美艷動人的泰國美女 (女朋友), 仲有我這唯的一男士。呢個組合, 各位男士請不要妒忌我 ! (這些機會不是屬於你們的!)
Drinks are around the same price as other similar level of lounges in Bangkok. Still, many of the signature cocktails here are quite worth trying.
酒水的價錢跟其他同級的酒廊價錢相差無幾, 話雖如此, 這裡有不少的signature cocktails 供應, 也很值得一試哩!

There are many great lounges in town , but none of them have a more stylish ambience than VOGUE Lounge. Truly recommend this place for stylish hipsters like everyone of you!
小弟去過曼谷很多很棒的酒廊, 當中各有特色, 但要數最能給我型格感覺, 唯獨是 Vogue Lounge 這裡! 試意推薦給喜歡型格生活的你,你, 和你!
P.s. Why there's a song keep looping in my mind since i'm here? Well, this lounge is located in Mahanakhon Cube. Coincidently, the song is called "Mahanakhon" and is the theme song of the recent Thai Hit Drama "Krungthep Mahanakorn Sorn Ruk (กรุงเทพ..มหานครซ้อนรัก)" and the drama always touches about nightlife in this Bangkok City. Some many coincident 55555! 後記: 你可能會問, 點解我一黎到呢度時會loop住一首歌。呢度就係叫 Mahanakhon Cube, 剛巧呢首歌就係叫 "Mahanakhon", 亦係近期一套我有追看的泰劇 "The O.C. Thailand (曼谷匿爱)"主題曲。劇集裡面都有提及都好多關於曼谷的夜生活等等, 又真係好難唔聯想埋一齊嘛!
EP.1 of the "Krungthep Mahanakorn Sorn Ruk (กรุงเทพ..มหานครซ้อนรัก)" 送上"The O.C. Thailand (曼谷匿爱)" 的第一集, 主題曲真的不錯的說!
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Vogue Lounge
MahaNakhon CUBE, 6th Floor, 96 Narathiwat Ratchanakharin Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500,
Booking 02-001-0697 Open daily 5:00 pm - Late
Website: http://voguelounge.com/
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/VogueLoungeBangkok/
How to get there:
Get off from BTS Chong Nonsi, the MahaNakhon CUBE is right next to the station.