Backstage Cocktail Bar 世界級後台雞尾酒
Feeling frustrated after a long day work?
Why not take a step back and relax a bit at the Backstage then!
仍在為一天工作上的不順而感到意志消沉嗎? 何不稍稍退下來在 Backstage (後台) 讓自己放鬆一下?
Hell yeah, it's a cocktail bar located on the lobby floor of the Playhaus boutique hotel in Thonglor.
對啊! 這就是位於Thonglor 區內一間名為Playhaus 的boutique hotel裡面有一間型格cocktail 酒吧

This broadway-burlesque style decorated bar feels like an actual theatre backstage for every performer to get relaxed and be yourself.
這裡以百老匯劇院式的裝修怖局, 就仿如置身舞台劇演員後台一樣,
給予人一種可以放下扮演不同角色的面具, 完全放鬆下來, 做回自己的感覺。
Drinks of the day are like using red lipstick written on the mirror behind the bar table. Plenty choices of signature cocktails are available here, for sure you could pick the cocktail that could represent yourself then.
每日的特選雞尾酒會更會特別以紅色, 如唇膏般寫在酒吧的鏡上。 這裡還有多款不同的特製雞尾酒可供選擇, 總能選出一款最能代表自己性格喜好的雞尾酒。

What's the drink that could most representing me? No doubt, it's Old Fashioned, a drink that contains Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve, Honey, Nutmeg, and Angostura Bitters, is truly a great manly-typed drink.
哪一款酒最能代表我? 毫無疑問, 就是叫 Old Fashion (舊式) 的那款包含了Johnnie walker 金牌珍藏威士忌, 蜜糖, 肉蔻 以及 Angostura苦酒混合的一款雞尾酒, 苦中帶香甜的威士忌雞尾酒正好合我心意。
Sitting in front of the bar table for sure you could see how the world class mixologists here making great cocktails. If you come with a small group, there are also comfy sofas available.
吧檯前是絕佳的位置去一邊談心, 一邊欣賞酒吧的一眾世界級調酒師的表演。 如果是三數人來話, 靠牆邊也有一些舒適的大梳化椅, 任君選擇。

One drink is definitely not enough for a great night chilling with couple of good friends.
來放輕鬆一下, 只喝一杯酒當然不夠滿足吧!

After a couple of drinks warming up at the Backstage, i feel same like a performer get well-dressed, I'm ready for partying all-night-long !
在後台飲過醒神 cocktail, 猶如表演者已經化好妝準備就緒一樣, 我已經準備好繼續夜蒲了!
Hey it's Monday today, Who cares! 週一的晚上不用夜蒲了嗎 ? 才不會!

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Backstage Cocktail Bar
L/F, Playhaus Thonglor, 205/22-23 Sukhumvit Soi 55 , Bangkok (Between Thonglor Soi 9 and Soi 11) 205/22 - 23 ซอน สุขุมวิท 55 ( ทองหล่อ ) แขวง คลองตันเหนือ เขต วัฒนา กรุงเทพฯ, สุขุมวิท, กรุงเทพ, ประเทศไทย 10110
Tel: 02-712-5747
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