Tales of Nightlife between Thonglor soi 5&7 曼谷夜生活縮影
On one night, my friends asked me to meet up at a cool bar located between Thonglor Soi 5 &7.
某個晚上, 友人們跟我說在 Thonglor soi 5 與7 之間的一間型格酒吧見面。 Because of this, I have discovered 2 cool bars which are in very close location,
one is called AINU Bar, another one is called Rabbit hole.
就是這個原因, 我發現了有兩個型格酒吧在非常接近的位置 一間是AINU Bar, 另一間就是叫Rabbit hole。

(Source of the above photo : Facebook Page of AINU bar)
The bar we met on that night was called AINU Hokkaido Izakaya Bar, aka AINU bar. It is a Japanese style Bar & Restaurant, is one of the favourite places of my friends.
Luckily, i didn't dress bad at all on that night.
就是那個晚上, 我跟朋友會合的那間酒吧叫AINU Hokkaido Izakaya Bar, 一般簡稱 AINU bar。其實是一間日式居酒屋, 亦是我這班朋友常來的地方。
幸好, 在沒有特別準備之下, 是晚我的打扮是不差的。

There are both indoor and outdoor seating in this bar, offering different atmosphere. Outdoor area is of course more causal chilling like other bars in this area; while the indoor area give you a much cozy feeling for gathering and dining together with the cool live bands might touch your soul with their music.
酒吧有室外和室內的位置, 各自有不同的氣氛和感覺。室外位置是跟在這一帶的戶外酒吧差不多的那種輕鬆隨意, 室內的位置當然會更為舒適, 適合一班朋友飯聚, 更有駐場樂隊唱出首首動人歌曲哩!
Beer tower of Asahi to go alone with shisha are no doubt my friends favourite choice, and it seems like the cocktails and the food here are pretty nice as well. Can try these next time tho!
Asahi 啤酒塔和水煙是我朋友們的喜愛組合, 而看來這的特色cocktail 和日食也好像挺不錯, 下次或可再來一試!

What surprised me was that the bar was full-house on the weekday evening i went to. More importantly, most people here are young (25+), pretty (but not much handsome at all honesty) and stylish local Thai people. That's why i said luckily i didn't dress bad at all on that night,
最令我意想不同的就是在這個平日的晚上, 酒吧是爆場的! 可想而知這裡真是個夜蒲勝地。更重要的是, 這裡大部份的客人都是年輕 (25+), 相貌端好, 打扮時尚的當地人 (但當晚男生打扮就很一般),所以要說好在當晚自己的打扮不差, 沒失場,哈哈!
Probably this is the bar I have been to with the most pretty Thai girls 55555! Don't believe me? Check out the Instagram location tag of AINU Bar to prove it !
不誇張的說, 大概這裡是我見過有最多泰國靚人(靚女)的酒吧, 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿! 不相信的話可以看看AINU Bar 的INSTAGRAM location tag 吧!

Well. my friends and i were also the people who look great at this bar as well , isn't it?
大概, 我和我的朋友都是酒吧裡相貌端好, 打扮時尚的那些吧, 對嗎? 哈哈哈

On another night after, it was a Monday night, while many bars are closed, my other friends brought me to a secret bar.
在不久之後的一個週一的的晚上, 有不少酒吧當晚是休息的, 另外的朋友說要帶我去一間很神秘的酒吧!
Well , it is right next to the AINU Bar !
I would have never notice there is another cool bar next door if I just looked from outside.
下車時發現, 咦! 這裡根本就是 AINU Bar 隔離那間鋪, 門口並沒有名稱也沒有任何指示,

Things become totally different once you got into this speakeasy, There is a huge booze rack with (mostly) red-coloured lighting on one side. Trust this is the signature angle of this bar.
踏進穩秘酒吧大門之後, 眼前的一切事情當然是有180度的大轉變! 有一個很高很大配以紅色為主燈光的酒架, 絕對是這裡的標誌之一。
This secret bar is called Rabbit Hole, you will not find its name at the entrance or outside, you know it only when the bar waitress passed you the bar menu.
這間神秘的酒吧名為Rabbit Hole, 你是一直不會知道這裡的名字直至你打開酒吧待應給你的那本menu 吧!

No food but many different craft cocktails are serving here, i usually picked one with whiskey.
沒有食物但有大量的自家特製cocktail 選擇 , 在這種情況下我一般都會選有威士忌的那種。

Same like the AINU bar next door, there are also many "Thonglor's pretty faces" here in Rabbit Hole; but comparatively more Farangs here, almost half half.
跟隔離的AINU 吧差不多, 這裡也有著不少 "Thonglor 式" 的常見漂亮臉孔, 而相對地Rabbit Hole 這裡是比較多些外籍客人, 大概都佔差不多有一半。
Totally there are 3 stories, the first floor are usually more bustling , while the upper floors sees more quiet corners for group gatherings.
酒吧總共有3層高, 地面的當然就是最熱鬧最繁忙, 上層的位置則是較適合一班人來飲酒閒聊。

An extra bar table is located on the 3rd floor serving the groups upstairs.

I went to here on a normal Monday night but the chilling atmosphere here made me feel like it seems to be almost weekend.
This spot from the 2nd floor is a perfect corner to see the tale of nightlife right here in Thonglor.
那是星期一的晚上, 但這裡的氣氛給我感覺好像是週末要來了的, 沒有絲毫是因為平日關係而變得較靜。
在二樓這個高位置回看下層的酒吧位, 除了是拍攝的好角度, 也能看到的正正是曼谷夜生活縮影。

So, because of these 2 cool bars, i believe many people would stop going to further Soi (streets) in Thonglor after they have reached Soi 5.
相信因為這2間特色酒吧的關係, 有不少人來 Thonglor 找酒吧是不用走到其他的巷了, 走到5號巷之後停低(這2間酒吧的位置), 大概都夠好玩了吧!

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AINU Bar (アイヌ バー)Hokkaido Izakaya & Bar
สุขุมวิท 55 (ระหว่างทองหล่อ 5 และ 7) กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110 อ่านต่อได้ที่
121 Sukhumvit 55 (between soi 5 & soi 7) klongtonnuea, wattana, Bangkok 10110
Opening: 1700-0100 Daily
Call: +66 92-583-2552 Line: @Ainubar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ainubar/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AINUBar/
Rabbit Hole
125 Sukhumvit 55, (between soi 5 & soi 7), klongtonnuea, wattana, Bangkok 10110
Opening: 1900-0200 Daily
Call: +66 98 969 1335
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rabbitholebkk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rabbitholebkk/