人約黎明前 Sala Rattanakosin Eatery & Bar
If i ask, what was the first picture you see about "Bangkok" when it's new to you? Probably, your answer would be "A temple tower seated along a river, with a beautiful sky".
Right, absolutely right, that's the landmark in front of us right here,
The Wat Arun (aka, The Temple of Dawn)
如果有人問你, 當你第一次得知"曼谷" 呢個地方時, 第一張見到有關的圖片會係咩? 相信, 有大部份人都會答, 藍藍的天空下有一座佛塔座落於河邊
無錯, 呢個絕對係曼谷的著名地標。這, 就是黎明寺 (又稱 : 鄭王廟)

Wanna come here to enjoy a meal with this great scenery for long. One thing that delayed my visit is because of its location. Even my local friends drive but we still got confused a bit before eventually arriving.
Not yet time for supper, let's grab a drink first at the roof bar then!
Sunlight isn't strong and with some wind, we feel pretty cozy chilling a bit right here at the roof.
How to make ourselves feel cooler right in front of the landmark Wat Arun?
Let's chill with Chang!
一直都頗有興趣來試試呢間 Bar & Restaurant, 只不過是因為位置不算十分方便所以一直都未有來。即使今天跟我的當地朋友駕車來時, 也在附近兜了三數個路口才找到。
還未到晚餐的時間, 那麼先到這裡的天台酒吧暢飲一會實在是最好不過的事情吧!
這個時份的陽光不再猛烈, 還不時有陣陣清風送來, 這環境下跟好友們 閒聊一會很舒適吧
在黎明寺前飲酒想要有型格嗎? 那就飲杯泰象生啤吧!

This roof bar isn't that kind of high rising roof bar, but I can tell, the view is absolutely great here!
If you love to chill with a nice river view in Bangkok , this place would certainly be your choice !
雖然這天台吧並不像曼谷其他的天台吧那樣的高, 這裡的景觀卻絕不遜色。 喜愛靜靜的坐在河畔酒吧 chill chill 的朋友, 有機會的要來這裡飲返幾杯喇!

She is, a good friend of mine and is a very talented fashion designer. Coincidentally our style looks so perfectly matched today ! 555 cool !
她, 是我的好友, 也是一位很棒的時裝設計師。 剛巧今天我們的打扮真的是襯絕了! 哈哈!

If you wanna enjoy air-conditioned dining, gotta reserve a the window side tables on 2/F or 3/F. The view is more of less the same as the roof bar.
如果你想在室內有冷氣既位置享受最好景觀的話, 咁可以留位時request 大概係2/F 或3/F 的窗邊檯, 景觀跟天台吧的位置比相差無幾。

Honestly speaking, the food here isn't that great like the view. We ordered some Thai dishes (for sure!) but it turns out to be a bit disappointing, because the taste of food is not that Thai at all.
Just grab a drink here is probably more enjoyable though.
老實說, 食物方面是比較令人失望的一環。我們點的全是泰菜 (在泰國不盡吃泰菜吃甚麼?)
菜式,可惜整體的味道並不是很泰菜, 大概比較是西式泰菜吧。
個人認為, 或許在這裡單純飲酒 chill chill 會較為好吧!

Anyway, the splendid view here makes everything worth it. It 's a like a big wide screen in front of us to enjoy the enchanting nightfall scenery with the city landmark.
Are there anything else better than this?
無論如何, 餐廳單是這個無敵的河景已經足以令人覺得來這裡是物有所值。 迷人的地標式曼谷黃昏景貌, 就像大銀幕般的活生生放在大家眼前, 美不勝收。

The answer is yes! I wish the next time when I came back here for a drink or something, you would be right here with me, shoulder to shoulder to enjoy that moment right next to each other.
答案是有的! 我希望下次有機會再來這裡時, 你, 會在我身邊一起享受這悠閑的一刻吧!

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Sala Rattanakosin Eatery & Bar
Sala Rattanakosin Hotel, 39 Soi Tha-Tien, Maharaj Rd., Bangkok, Thailand 39 ถนนมหาราช เกาะรัตนโกสินทร์ ท่าเตียน, โรงแรมศาลารัตนโกสินทร์,10200
Opening Hours
Breakfast: 07.00 am - 10.30 am Lunch: 11.00 am - 04.30 pm Dinner: 05.30 pm - Last order at 10.00pm
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/salarattanakosin/
Website : http://www.salaresorts.com/rattanakosin/dine-en.html/