曼谷牛郎燒 Butcher Beef & Beer

近來於Facebook 都經常聽到有網友去其他bloggers介紹過的 "原始燒" 或 "399bahts任食燒" 等等的烤肉餐廳, 對小弟黎講還不盡是很吸引吧! (399bahts任食泰式燒倒是有點興趣試試)
In recent months, i always heard of people going to grill food restaurants like "Genshi Yaki" or "399bahts BBQ Buffet" etc. At the moment, it is not attractive to me at all. (Probably i might give a try to those Thai Style 399bahts buffet someday)
最吸引我的, 始終都係較為hipster's favorite 的泰式餐廳 (喂, 去到泰國唔係唔食泰國野下話....) 呢間 Butcher Beer & Beer (自譯名 :曼谷牛郎燒) 就岩曬我呢個愛吃local food又怕去遊客區既煩人喇!
Still, what attract me most is where the Thai local hipsters go. (Don't tell me you don't wanna eat Thai food when you visited Thailand, lol) "Butcher Beer and Beer" are seem to be the perfect match to me!
拿, 大大話話我響一個禮拜黎左兩次 Butcher Beer & Beer, 每次見到黎呢度食野飲野大多都係25-35呢個年齡層當地人。 (打扮都唔差架喎!)
Well, from the 2 times in a week I've ever been to there, what i saw the customers here are mostly local young hipster at the age group of 25-35. ( And they look cool from the appearance as well !)
講返食物, 叫得 Butcher Beef & Beer 主打當然就係各種類型烤牛 (當然仲有海鮮,豬,雞等等選擇) , 有 Premium Choice 同埋 一般(泰國)食材 任君選擇。
In terms of the food here, no doubt they serve pretty much choices of beef (with premium & THAI à la carte), and of course with other choices like seafood, pork, chicken etc.
當然仲有各式各樣啤酒, 重點係除左 Asahi 同 Kirin 之外大部份啤酒係你甚少會見到的牌子! 所以就最好問返店員邊種啤酒適合自己口味喇! (p.s. 店主 Louis 會說三數句國語, 而且他還說挺喜歡台灣和香港的女生,,,,555! )
Meanwhile, what else special here is the long lists of bottles beers from around the world. Apart from Japanese Beer Asahi and Kirin, the rest of the beer brands are those you barely seen in other places!
Staff here could speak generally good English (and a bit of Mandarin from the owner, Louis, who claims that he likes Taiwanese and HK girls pretty much, 555!) and thus you may ask for their advance.

一定會有人問, 坐響路邊又無冷氣仲要有個gas 爐係度燒燒下咁, 唔熱架咩? 我答你, 唔熱! 咁先至係泰國風味嘛! 熱咪飲多啖啤酒囉 !
Pretty sure some people would ask me, don't you feel hot to dine in here with the gas stove in front of you? For real, I DON'T! Btw, isn't it a cool place to feel the true atmosphere of Bangkok hipsters? If you feel hot, why not take a couple more glasses of beer!
先燒熱個pan, 再用一層牛油搽上pan 面, 然後想要燒乜就燒乜。 每人仲會有3碟不同口味的自家泰式醬汁, 有辣有唔辣任君選擇 !
First get the pan heated, then we could put a layer of butter onto the surface, afterwards you could start to make everything grilled as your wish! Everyone would also have 3 dishes of homemade Thai style sauces provided.
明顯地, 大家見到特別紅色的牛柳粒就係 Premium choice來的, 質量當然有返咁上下! 之不過其他 non-premium choices 都一點也毫不遜色, 特別是漢堡扒, 才59bahts 一塊! (台灣的網友該會說 : CP值甚高, 對嗎?)
Obviously, the most attractive beef in the pictures below are the premium one, but the other local beef choices doesn't taste any worse as well, especially the burger beef. (In terms of the selling price, it is just 59 Bahts each!)

另一個晚上,跟友人晚飯後來了這裡飲啤酒 chill chill 一下。 眼見我們的啤酒戰鬥力甚高, 一眾店員都同我地玩埋一份!
(我的曼谷朋友係呢度熟客, 而且跟店主Louis 係朋友)
On another evening, we came over after dinner to chill for a while.
My Thai friends are actually frequent customers here and are friends of Louis, the restaurant owner, that's why we drank we play games and had great fun all night long!

- 野食既好吃又特色,
- 唔食野黎齋飲啤酒 chill chill 又得。
- 食物酒水價錢唔貴,
- 路邊chill chil 夠曬Casual,
- 店員玩得又吹得
To Conclude, i truly recommend this place because
- Food tastes great an with own uniqueness
- Simply stop-by for a chill drink is also good
- Price of food and drink are not expensive at all
- Everyone chill causally on the road side
- Staff are young , friendly and good to chill with!
Dee Mak na krub !

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Butcher Beer & Beer
3695/57 Chareanraj Road, Bangkok, 10120 Thailand 3695/57 ถนนเจริญราษฎร์ แขวงบางโคล่ บางคอแหลม กรุงเทพมหานคร 10120
Opening hours: 18:00 - 24:00 (closed on Monday) Booking call 086 030 5953 / 083 432 7755 / 081 882 8121
LINE: @BUTCHERBEEFANDBEER FB: http://www.facebook.com/butcherbeefandbeer
ig : http://www.instagram.com/butcherbeefandbeer
How to get there? BTS Surasak exit 2, then take public motorcycle or taxi, Or, directly get there by calling UBER (well , i did!)