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Begin Again..

都有一段頗長的時間沒有寫外遊遊記了,對上一篇就是寫有關在2012年去了北碧(Kanchanaburi)的死亡鐵路(The Death Railway)一天遊 Haven't really written a blog post since 2012, that was the first time I visited Kanchanaburi on a 1-day train tour.

相信那篇"油雞" 在當時有不少Forum.Thailandfans.com的網友有看過, 甚至參考過我這行程。 (希望大家還記得在 Forum 時的那個 ”LAW14” 吧)

I believe many long-time users of Forum have read about it and hope this post could still somehow help people who plan to take this way to visit Kanchanaburi.

自此之後,再度踏足泰國超過10次, 泰國當地朋友多了, 簡單的泰文也說得三兩句傍身, 甚至身邊也多了一位在泰國女朋友(她是在香港居住)

這些年來 走過不同的泰國地方, 朋友都紛紛提議我, 該記錄下你眼中的Amazing Thailand 吧

Since then, i have traveled to Thailand 10+ more times and had countless amazing moments.

Many friends told me "You'd better write a travel blog to share all your great discoveries in Thailand!"

今年4月, 我再次做訪北碧, 大概命運就是這樣, 在那裡停了就在那裡重新出發吧!

This April, i made my 2nd visit to Kanchanaburi.

Maybe, it 's a destiny to restart again from where i last stopped.

重新出發之前, 不妨用3數分鐘的時間, 聽聽我最喜愛的歌曲, 是為這裡的點題作 (來自電影 Begin Again 的主題曲 Lost Stars)

Before I really begin again, let's take couple minutes to enjoy my all-time favourite song, from the movie "Begin Again", "Lost Stars"

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