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Wandering in NONG KHAI 沿著湄公河畔遊廊開

Nong Khai, is the capitial city of the Nong Khai Province which lies along the Mekong River. On the opposite side of Nong Khai, it is the captial of another country, Vientiane of Laos!

廊開市, 地理位置位於湄公河河畔, 同時亦是廊開府的首府。

跟廊開市一河相隔的地方, 其實就已經是鄰國老撾(寮國)的國家首都永珍, !

Over the days, we stayed at the Mekong Guesthouse, a classic Thai-style guesthouse located along the riverside. There are few more guesthouses on the same road here, but seems none of the them are in such Thai classic style.

Location is pretty good and the room is neat and tidy, which you won't be asking for too much for a double room charging you within 1000 Bahts a night. (Sorry i didn't take photos of the room)

在這裡短留的日子中, 我們都是住在這家位於湄公河河畔且極具傳統泰國風格的Mekong Guesthouse裡。沿著河畔同一條路上都有著其他的旅館, 不過沒有一間有著這裡的傳統泰式風味。

位置其實是挺方便出入的, 旅館外表看來有點舊但房間也很整潔, 基本上不用1000 bahts 一晚的雙人房這已經是不錯了吧! (抱歉並沒有拍下房間內的相片)

Mekong Guest House 519 Rimkhong Rd., Nai Muang, Muang, Nongkhai 43000

This Dragon statue is the landmark of Nong Khai town, "Tha Sadet, The boundary of Nong Khai". (ท่าเสด็จ สุดเขตแดนหนองคาย). It is a must-go spot when you are in town. It is also an important spot as a trading gateway between Thai & Laos.

眼前的這做巨龍像是廊開市的地標, 同時也代表著這裡是廊開市邊界, 同時亦代表著這裡是跟對面寮國互相往來的重要城鎮。

The Pier Market Nong Khai ตลาดท่าเรือ ท่าเสด็จ (usually known as Na Talad Tha Sadet Nong Khai ณ ตลาดท่าเรือ) is favorite place for everyone!

It does not only create the vintage feeling from the good old days, it is also a learning community displaying the history of this area.

廊開碼頭市集 (ตลาดท่าเรือ ท่าเสด็จ / ณ ตลาดท่าเรือ) 其實並不是一個真正的市集, 而是一間位置較大的商店, 有些時候更會作個社區活動舉辦場地。這個深受大眾喜愛的地方, 不單止營造了一種懷舊的感覺帶大家回到昔日的美好時光, 同時也展示了這個位置多年來的發展歷史。

The Coffee and Gallery inside is absolutely a great photogenic corner for vintage lovers like me. The old pictures, vintage TV, vintage telephone and other decoration really connect us between the present and the good old days.

It's so chill to take a coffee break in this vintage place and facing the Mekong River at the same time. Many kinds of local souvenir are selling here by the way!

市集裡有個位置是集咖啡室和畫廊於一體, 牆身上的泰王肖像, 老照片, 以及古老電視機, 懷舊電話等等擺設使這裡好像跟以往的美好時光連繫著一樣, 當然也是拍照的上佳提材了吧!

在這個對著河畔的懷舊角落飲咖啡真是叫人身心舒暢, 同時這裡也有不少當地特產紀念品售賣哩!

ณ ตลาดท่าเรือ (Na Talad Tha Sadet Nong Khai) ท่าเสด็จ ถ.ริมโขง ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.หนองคาย Rim Khong Rd., Nai Mueang, Nong Khai 43000

If you are looking for a decent river side restaurant, แดงแหนมเนือง (Daeng Naem Nueang) would definitely be your choice!

Opened by a Vietnamese ethics Laos couple who lived in Thailand, the restaurant has widely acclaimed among residents of Nong Khai since it was opened 40+ years ago. A visit to Nong Khai would not be complete without trying the authentic Vietnamese food here indeed!

Signature dishes includes "naem neuan" (แหนมเนือง, Grilled sausage), sugar crane shrimp (กุ้งพันอ้อย) etc. If you wanna bring some "naem neuan" home, they also offers takeaway packages that could keep for 1 week. Thais from all over country do always make delivery orders from their places as well!

假如你想找家舒展的河畔餐廳吃一頓飯的話. แดงแหนมเนือง (Daeng Naem Nueang) 就絕對會是你的選擇。

餐廳由一對擁有越南血統但長住在泰國的寮國人夫婦於40多年前開設, 多年來都深受當地人的盛讚。時至今日, 假如沒有來試過這裡的傳統越南菜的話, 你的廊開市遊覽一定不會是完美, 可想而知這餐廳是有多聞名哩!

招牌菜式當然是少不了招牌作"naem neuan" (แหนมเนือง 越式香腸), 竹蔗蝦 กุ้งพันอ้อย)等等。假如想把這裡的味道帶回家的話,這裡也有售賣可保存一週的外賣包裝"naem neuan"。有不少泰國人也會從所在的城市電購, 然後店家再從總店這裡運送給他們。

ร้าน แดงแหนมเนือง Daeng Naem Nueang

1062/1-2, Rim Khong Rd., Nai Mueang, Muang Nong Khai, Nong Khai 43000 Thailand

I always love to wandering around the street in the old town, as i always see the lovely side of that place.

Plenty of Shop houses are found on the both sides of the road , People are mostly middle -aged or even older. They might not be rich, but what i see from my eye is they feel good because they are making their life in own ways.

我一向都喜歡在舊城鎮的街道上漫走, 因為往往我就能找到這地方可愛的一面。

跟大多舊城鎮一樣, 街道兩旁都是街屋(shop-houses), 舊街裡的人大多是中年以上, 在我眼中看來他們很有悠然自得的感覺。即使他們生活也許並不富裕, 但是他們也很樂在其中, 過著自己選擇的生活。

A good King's portrait would always be seen everywhere in his country.

In this lovely coffee house at the street corner, you will see many old pictures of the Thai King on how he made the life of Thai people better. I am sure the coffee house owner admire the King very much like many other Thais Do.

Does the light bulbs decoration here means the King has lighten up Thai people;s live? Maybe only the owner knows.

Btw, their coffee uses different overseas blends and it is really great!

一個優秀的國王, 他的肖像定必會在國家的每個角落都容易看見到。

來到這間位置街角的咖啡室, 很容易會見到牆身上有系統地貼上了泰王的相片,看見泰王一向以來為改善人民生活所做的事。相信咖啡店的打理人也是泰王的忠實擁護者吧!

另外, 店裡作怖置的電燈膽, 也是有意思的嗎? 是代表泰王燃亮了每個泰國人的生活嗎 ? 相信只有店主才知道吧!

不得不提的是, 這裡的咖啡用上不少國外進口的咖啡豆, 沖出來的咖啡就是棒極了!

บ้านกาแฟริมโขง หนองคาย Coffee House (Rim Khong Coffee Nong Khai Coffee House)

995-996 (ตรงข้ามร้านแดงแหนมเนือง) ถ.ริมโขง ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง Nong Khai

(P.s. During the half way in writing this post, Thai King Bhumibol the Great had passed away. Salute to the long live Thai King. He will be in the heart of everyone forever! 在未完全完成這篇文章的時候, 尊敬的泰王已經離世了, 僅此向泰王獻上無限的敬意, 泰王的精神會有大家心中長存。)

There are another feeling when you see this nightfall scene along the Mekong river.

Thank you for showing me the beauty of your hometown area.

This marked the end of my first visit in the Isan region.

I am pretty sure i would be back in town again in the future, will see you soon again.

Nong Khai.

入夜了, 黃昏時段看著屬於廊開市的河畔景色, 又是另一種不同的美。 謝謝你帶我到了你的家鄉不同角度的美。

就是這樣結束了短暫的泰東北遊覽, 我知道不用多久我又會再來這裡的, 暫別了, 廊開!

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