Amazing Kanchanaburi 北碧風光明媚

Kanchanaburi, is a provicnce located in the Western part of Thailand. Around 130km away from Bangkok, The highlands and the rivers here make Kanchanaburi well-known for its amazing landscape and historical sites.
北碧府, 是一個位置泰國西部的一個著名大府, 跟首府曼谷相距大概130km。同時, 地勢偏高遍布密林,且河流不少, 使這裡有著不少出名的自然美景及歷史遺址。
During our stay in The Float House River Kwai resort, every time when we took the shuttle boat going out, it was like an advantage passing through the green jungles around us.

The Erawan Waterfall (น้ำตกเอราวัณ) is part of the Erawan National Park, is also a famous picnic place no matter for tourists or local people.
愛侶灣瀑布 Erawan Waterfall (น้ำตกเอราวัณ) 屬於愛侶灣國家公園中的一部份, 不論是有老有少的當地人還是外國遊客, 這裡都是一個很環境優美的郊遊勝地。

There are a total of 7 falls, people mostly like to stay at the 2nd and the 3rd level, which are also the most beautiful levels to me. People can enjoy a bit of swimming with lots of fishes here to embrace this amazing natural landscape.
Erawan瀑布總共有7層, 一般的遊人都會喜歡在第二層或是第三層的位置逗留。這兩層的景色也可以說是最美麗的, 有不少遊人更會下水跟池中魚一起的遊泳, 盡情擁抱這裡的自然風光。

i tried to climb to the upper waterfalls, however, i was a bit disappointed. Not much beautiful scenery like those on the 2nd & 3rd level but only small waterfalls.
I wish i would have climbed to the top level but the fact was i had to give up at the mid-way of the level 6th challenge as it would totally make my feet wet if i crossed the point in the above picture.
我有嘗試走上更高層的瀑布看看, 可以我真是有點失望, 上了數層也看不到比第二第三層更美的景色。更可惜的是, 我只能走到第六層中後段的這個位置, 要是走過去的我的鞋定會濕透不便之後的行程, 所以唯有在第六層的這個位置放棄前進。

Hell Fire Pass Memorial Museum (ช่องเขาขาดพิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งความทรงจำ) features a famous section of the Thai Burma Railway built during the World War II.
當年二戰時, 一眾戰俘被派到建造鐵路, 其中的一段路, 變成了今天的 地獄火關口博物館 Hell Fire Pass Memorial Museum (ช่องเขาขาดพิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งความทรงจำ)
The names comes from the torchlight of War prisoners there at night time and it somehow look like hell. Many of the war prisoners scarified when they were forced to cut the rock making a pathway for the railway.
地獄火關口(Hellfire pass)這個別名的來源是由於當年戰俘的油燈和燃燒木材所發出的火光, 營造出有如地獄般的景象。再者, 當年的確有不少的戰俘在這個如地獄般的環境情況下被迫要砍山犧牲了生命。

The railway no longer exists nowadays and even a tree had grown in the middle of the narrow rock-cutting pathway. Only a small part of track was put there locating the past position of the railway.
今天, 這段鐵路已經不復存在, 砍開的山谷中間原本屬於路軌的位置反而長了一棵樹守衛著這片舊地, 只有一少段的路軌是安放在從前的那個位置。
The indoor museum shows more information and picture about the actual situation about the building of this Hell Fire Pass. it was really a torture to force those war prisoner to build the railway in a short time and being extremely harsh treated. War should be avoided !
室內的博物館裡展出更多關於 Hellfire pass 這裡的一些歷史資料和圖片, 當年的戰俘在這極度惡劣的環境和待遇的情況下還要用很短的時間建造這條鐵路, 這些酷刑沒有人希望再有, 戰爭是可以避免的!

The hell fire pass railway section of The Death Railway was no longer exist, but the Tham Krasae section does!
死亡鐵路的地獄火關口段今天已不復存在, 不過另外的Tham Krasae 一段險峻路段卻仍舊健在!
Actually i had ride on the train passing through this most famous section of The Death Railway four years ago, this would be my 2nd visit but the first time stop by here.
四年前的時候, 曾經搭火車經過這一段路, 這次是我第二次來到亦是第一次可以停留在這裡看看。

Visiting Tham Krase Railway station (ทางรถไฟถ้ำกระแซ), it would be better to match the time when there's a train passing by.
打算要來Tham Krase 火車站 (ทางรถไฟถ้ำกระแซ)的話, 最好的便是要夾好時間等有火車經過, 景色會是加倍的美麗。
For the train schedule, you may check this for reference.
途經這裡火車的時間表詳情, 可以參考這裡。

After the train passes away, this area returns silent, travelers could now walking on the track which was originally built by the war prisoners during World War II .
火車走過這路段之後, 四週又再回復幽靜, 遊人也可以再次在這段由二戰時戰俘所建造的鐵路路軌上行走。
While walking along this The Death Railway tracks, we have to be thankful for people in the past who scarified themselves for building this amazing rail road.
走在路軌上的每一小步, 我們都要有著感激的心, 為當年建造鐵路的戰俘致每限敬意。

The beautiful scenery of this curve has never been changed since the last time i passed by on a train four year ago.
這個灣畔的風景. 一別四年後美麗依舊。

Actually, there is cave called Krasae Cave located right next to the Death Railway. The Golden Buddha inside feels like protecting the railway and everyone visits here.
事實上, 這裡是有個名叫 Krasae Cave 的山洞剛好在死亡鐵路的路軌旁邊, 裡是的金佛像就是在保護經過這裡的火車和遊人一樣。

A few monks walking on the railway track and passes by the cave, created a scene showing the original Thailand for me to capture into my travel-photography collection !
有三數位僧侶剛巧在山洞前的火車路軌上走過, 形造了這個很有原始泰國feel 的一幕。

In the previous post mentioned, there's a pathway at the back of The Float House Resort which leads to another attraction, Lawa Cave (ถ้ำละว้า)
另外, 在前文中提及到在The Float House Resort 後面的一條小徑, 其實就是可以通往另一個令人驚歎的自然景點, Lawa Cave (ถ้ำละว้า)

Although the entrance is quite narrow, there is a well-constructed pathway with adequate lighting inside.
雖然山洞入口處的位置有點窄, 走進去以後卻有一條特意打造的寬闊行人徑和路燈。
While i was walking alone in the cave with all silence everywhere, my mind was like wondering how could these stalactites be formatted. I am glad that they are now well-preserved and have a real chance to witness this amazing natural creature! What an amazing world, amazing Thailand!
當時, 我一個人獨自在這個鐘乳石洞走著探索著, 四週的還境一片寧靜, 我的心裡只有想著的是 : 究竟這些鐘乳石是如何形成的呢 ? 相信這就是大自然的澳妙了吧! 幸好的是這片奇妙的大自然空間現在是得到悉心的保存, 慶幸有這個機會獨個兒見証過這些神奇的大自然, 奇妙的泰國事物!

By the way, Thank you this spiritual dog take care of me and protect me while i am exploring inside the cave!
值得一提的是, 感激這位很有靈性的狗大哥, 原來他從我走進鐘乳石洞之後, 就一直坐在入口守護著等待我。感謝你!

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